A curated selection of public diplomacy-relevant news from a global cross-section of English-language media outlets, including independent, corporate-owned, and state-sponsored sources. The stories featured don't necessarily represent CPD's views nor have they been verified by CPD.

Cultural integration meets environmental protection

With classrooms of pupils from all corners of the globe, the Allee High School in Hamburg recognizes the importance of cultural understanding. In that vein, it's using the global environment to improve its own.

Tags: Cultural Diplomacy, non-state pd, germany, environmentalism

Analysis: Nuke summit sets post-Cold War challenge

In two fast-paced April days in Washington, the world took a big step out of the age of MAD and into an even madder age, when a dark vision of random nuclear terror will shadow our days for decades or more to come.

Tags: united states

Russia, Poland have chance to leave behind bitter past, Polish experts say

Big human tragedies are moments of change but can also provide the spark of unity. Political differences, competing interpretations of history, and differences in values all - even for a short moment - disappear in the face of death.

Tags: russia, poland

Cultural Festival of India launched in France

Namaste France, a 15-month long 'Festival of India' has been launched in Paris to spread awareness about Indian culture which include dance, music, literature and cinema... Namaste France follows Bonjour India - the French cultural Festival held in India from November 2009 to February this year.

Tags: Cultural Diplomacy, india, france

Why ‘Nation Branding’ Doesn’t Exist

Unfortunately, the phrase nation brand soon became distorted, mainly by naïve governments in willing collusion with ambitious consulting firms, into nation branding: a dangerously misleading phrase...

Tags: nation branding, simon anholt

Istanbul from Orhan Pamuk’s eye on display in Barcelona

A photo exhibition on Istanbul from the eyes of Turkish Nobel laureate author Orhan Pamuk is on display in the Spanish city of Barcelona. A ceremony was held Tuesday at the Robert Cultural and Art Palace to inaugurate the photo exhibition titled "Istanbul with Pamuk"...

Tags: Cultural Diplomacy, turkey, spain

Iran’s Grassroots Voices and the Blogosphere

Panelists asserted that even in the face of severe government repression, the vibrancy of Iran’s blogosphere is offering the international community opportunities to develop citizen diplomacy and people-to-people connections with Iranians.

Tags: iran, new technology, non-state pd, internet diplomacy

To improve Israeli image, minister gives diplomacy lessons

Yuli-Yoel Edelstein, the Israeli minister of information and diaspora, arrived in Boston on Sunday for a three-day visit to promote a new campaign to educate Israeli citizens in diplomacy. The campaign, which was launched in February, aims to teach Israelis how to improve their image abroad.

Tags: israel, non-state pd


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