A curated selection of public diplomacy-relevant news from a global cross-section of English-language media outlets, including independent, corporate-owned, and state-sponsored sources. The stories featured don't necessarily represent CPD's views nor have they been verified by CPD.

Nuclear summit can’t ignore origins of conflicts

Ridding the world of nuclear weapons – one of President Obama’s prime goals – is so lofty and difficult that it must come in baby steps.Obama’s efforts toward a nuclear-free world, however, will falter unless he does much more to deal with underlying motives to obtain atomic weapons – indeed all weapons of mass destruction – in every part of the world.

Tags: united states

A Time To Act But Not React

Rightfully, Americans breathed a sigh of relief this past Christmas when Umar Farouk Abdulmutallab failed in his alleged plan to detonate explosives aboard Northwest Airlines flight 253 to Detroit. In the short run, what he stands accused of doing was a failure. In the long run, however, whether he succeeded or failed depends on what we do in response.

Tags: united states, terrorism

Nuclear security summit: a historic gathering

Representatives of 47 nations, including dozens of foreign heads of state, joined in the largest such gathering on U.S. soil since the San Francisco conference that launched the United Nations in 1945.

Tags: united states

Disabled youth show creativity in photo show

An exhibition of 90 photographs taken by 16 young people with disabilities from the central province of Thanh Hoa is on tour through 13 German cities... Coinciding with celebrations of 35 years of diplomatic relations between Viet Nam and Germany, the exhibition will tour Germany through March 2011.


Turkish, Armenian Leaders Meet In Washington

Armenian President Serzh Sarkisian and Turkish Prime Minister Recep Tayyip Erdogan have met in Washington in an effort to kick-start the stalled process of normalizing relations between their countries.

Tags: turkey, armenia

Agent Provocateur

"Our primary concern is to make an easier road for overseas Chinese students who want to go back to China, but we also want to make it easier for those in China who wish to study in the U.S.," says [Chinese Returnees International] member Sue Wang, a graduate of Michigan State University.

Tags: china, united states, Cultural Diplomacy, non-state pd

Norwegian Foreign Policy In The Middle East

Norway's foreign policy in the Middle East is a vastly understudied topic. Since the end of World War II, Oslo has specialized in peacekeeping, peacemaking, humanitarian missions, and post-conflict action.

Tags: middle east, norway

Confronting Iran in Latin America

Some have argued that the Iran-Venezuela alliance is merely an "annoyance," rather than a serious threat to regional security and stability. But Iran has also improved its strategic relations with populist governments in Nicaragua, Bolivia and Ecuador.



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