A curated selection of public diplomacy-relevant news from a global cross-section of English-language media outlets, including independent, corporate-owned, and state-sponsored sources. The stories featured don't necessarily represent CPD's views nor have they been verified by CPD.

Michael Jackson stole the Twitter Revolution from the Uighurs

Given the current oversupply of Twitter experts, it's strange that nobody told the Uighurs that staging a protest in the week of Michael Jackson's funeral is not going to propel them into the top charts of Twitter's most discussed items. What a bummer – Michael Jackson is still topic number one on Twitter, the Uighurs are not even in top 10, and the Internet-savvy whizzes of the State Department are nowhere to be seen.


NATO Public Diplomacy: Six Colors / Six Couleurs

NATO Public Diplomacy is a bit different than US public diplomacy. Unlike US public diplomacy which is (quaintly) aimed exclusively foreign publics, NATO public diplomacy is aimed chiefly at member countries and secondarily at partner countries.


Some Surprised by Obama’s Choice for U.K. Ambassador

The post at the Court of St. James's in London is one of the most prestigious in U.S. diplomatic circles. Though largely ceremonial and rarely controversial, it is a prominent position given the close relations between the U.S. and the U.K. In recent years, it has usually gone to political boosters of the president.


Obama Speech Cites Shared U.S.-Russian Interests

President Obama said Tuesday that America and Russia “share common interests” in building a secure, free and flourishing world but rejected complaints about American support for missile defense and expansion of the NATO alliance into Eastern Europe.


Q-and-A With New CPD Director Philip Seib

Q-and-A with CPD Director Philip Seib: "I want to advance public diplomacy to be a more prominent part of foreign policy for the United States and for other countries. That’s so important. We need to get more people thinking about public diplomacy and recognizing that there is a viable alternative to harsher methods of implementing foreign policy."


Barack Obama Urges Russia Not to Interfere in Neighbouring States

Obama acknowledged that the US needed to play its part in bringing about a fresh start with Russia – "a great power". And he paid tribute to the achievements of Russian writers and scientists, even managing to quote a line from Pushkin when he told the students: "Inspiration is needed in geometry just as much as in poetry."


Chinese Diplomacy Shows Resolve Amid Global Crisis

The nation has taken a stronger interest in the comprehensive approach to secure pragmatic cooperation with neighboring countries against a backdrop of the current global economic crisis. And it is indeed actively advancing its relations with them, fairly and appropriately handles regional hotspot issues, and working together to promote peace, stability and prosperity in the region.


Constitution of the Governing Body of the Casa del Mediterráneo

The Minister of Foreign Affairs and Cooperation, Miguel Ángel Moratinos, is participating in Alicante in the ceremony for the constitution of the Governing Body of the Casa del Mediterráneo, whose Articles of Agreement was signed on April 30. The focus of this new organization is to become an efficient and necessary means for promoting the coming together of the different societies, cultures and people from both sides of the Mediterranean.



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