A curated selection of public diplomacy-relevant news from a global cross-section of English-language media outlets, including independent, corporate-owned, and state-sponsored sources. The stories featured don't necessarily represent CPD's views nor have they been verified by CPD.

Neaman Document presented to Deputy FM Ayalon

The Neaman Document, a study on Israeli public diplomacy, was presented to Deputy Foreign Minister Daniel Ayalon. The basic premise of the study was that Israel's battle over its image in the world will force it in coming years to face increasingly difficult problems. The project's objective was to devise a comprehensive policy to shape Israel's public diplomacy.


The Strength Behind Obama’s Smile

Before the Iranian election, US opinion on Barack Obama’s foreign policy divided on predictably partisan lines. Now the picture is more complicated. Mr Obama’s supporters admired his desire to restore US standing in the world and his willingness to talk “without preconditions” to governments his predecessor despised. The new president’s conservative and neoconservative critics rolled their eyes.


OAS ‘must take lead’ on Honduras

UN Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon says the Organisation of American States should take the lead in restoring the ousted president of Honduras to power. Mr Ban told a Geneva news conference on Monday that the OAS must find a peaceful solution to the crisis.


Obama Arrives in Moscow for Talks With Medvedev, Putin July 6, 2009

U.S. President Barack Obama has arrived in Moscow for talks with Russian leaders, expected to focus largely on arms control. This is a visit that falls neatly into two parts. First, President Obama will consult individually with Russian President Dmitri Medvedev and Prime Minister Vladimir Putin. Then he will focus on improving ties with the Russian people.


How Japanese Diplomats Got Appointed to Top Int`l Posts

Since Japan sent its first diplomat to the United Nations in 1957, it has deployed a host of nationals to international organizations, creating a wide human network on the global stage. The long-term and thorough diplomatic strategies of Japan have played a bigger role in helping its diplomats assuming the top posts.


Sri Lanka - MFA - FM Rohitha Bogollagama Meets with Yang Jiechi, Foreign Minister of China

The Minister of Foreign Affairs of Sri Lanka Rohitha Bogollagama, on 3rd morning had comprehensive bilateral talks with his counterpart, Foreign Minister Yang Jiechi of China, which lasted for over 2 hours. The areas covered included bilateral & multilateral relations, trade, tourism and investment promotion and development assistance.


Fiscal Crisis Tarnishes Golden State’s Image

With a state of emergency declared and IOUs going out, the state's fiscal fiasco could threaten one of California's most valuable assets - its brand as the capital of can-do, a place of fresh ideas and innovation, where businesses and residents thrive.


Italian President Hails Italy-China Ties, China’s Role in World Affairs

The Italian president said Italy-China ties have seen rapid development in recent years, and the mutual understanding and cooperation between the two countries have also been deepened. The year 2010 will also mark the 400th anniversary of the birth of Matteo Ricci, one of the most famous Italians in China and a symbol of the cultural and historical exchange between the two countries.



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