A curated selection of public diplomacy-relevant news from a global cross-section of English-language media outlets, including independent, corporate-owned, and state-sponsored sources. The stories featured don't necessarily represent CPD's views nor have they been verified by CPD.

Bin the Soft Words. Squeeze Iran Sharply

"Public diplomacy towards Iran … needs drastic overhaul. A basic Western misunderstanding has been that, 30 years after Khomeini’s revolution, Iranians are still brainwashed by his aggressively messianic message.


Out of a job? State Dept. is Looking For New Diplomats

Despite the recession - and a spike in job losses last month dashed hopes that the economy would grow soon - the State Department is hiring more people over the next two years than in any other time in its history.


Mainland [China], Taiwan Urged To Boost Web Industry Cooperation

Cooperation and exchange between web industries of Chinese mainland and Taiwan was urged by Ye Kedong, vice-minister of the Taiwan Affairs Office of the State Council in Beijing. Speaking at Cross-Strait Web Industry Development Forum 2009, Ye said Tuesday that Internet entrepreneurs and web industry leaders should spare no efforts to boost economic cooperation, cultural exchange, and develop interactive online communities.


Artists want Cabinet-level ‘Arts Czar’

In Barack Obama, the arts community believed it had found a kindred spirit — literary and urbane, a president who would restore culture to its proper national place after what many perceived as an eight-year exile under his predecessor. Yet, for some in the art world, watching the Obama administration’s approach to the arts so far has been an exercise in keeping expectations in check and a game of wait and see.


The Business of Diplomacy

It is a good time for those of us outside government to consider what we can do to help cultivate [the U.S.-Russia] relationship. The fact is that the fate of our future relationship does not lie in the hands of government leaders alone. Business can play a very important role in building and strengthening the ties between us.


Obsolete Arguments To Keep An Obsolete Law

By all means, let’s keep a law designed for another era on the books because, well, it’s there. That’s the argument many have offered in defense of the restrictive provisions added to the Smith-Mundt Act in 1972 and 1985.


Two Ambassadors’ Project: Ostensible Pacifism Or a Cultural Dialogue?

In June 2009 a group of Armenian and Azeri intelligentsia took up the next step in realization of the “two ambassadors’ project” (ambassadors of Armenia and Azerbaijan to Russia) aimed at improving “national diplomacy”. Within the framework of a cultural dialogue, delegations, last week, visited Armenia, Nagorno-Karabakh and Azerbaijan.


Insights From China Reinforce Call For Citizen Diplomacy

Iowa State Sen. Daryl Beall: I believe that every citizen is a diplomat. While spending three weeks in China recently, I practiced and proclaimed the role of citizens in augmenting government-to-government diplomacy with people-to-people diplomacy.



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