A curated selection of public diplomacy-relevant news from a global cross-section of English-language media outlets, including independent, corporate-owned, and state-sponsored sources. The stories featured don't necessarily represent CPD's views nor have they been verified by CPD.

KMT Chairman Arrives in Mainland [China] for Cross-Straits Forum

[KMT Chairman] Wu said in addition to economic links between the mainland and Taiwan, shared ancestry and culture were the main force keeping the peaceful development of cross-Straits relations. "Both people are Chinese descendants and have the same cultural background. Although there are cultural differences between the two sides, they are complementary," Wu said.


Praise For AIA’s ‘Design For Diplomacy’ Report

Sen. John Kerry (D-MA) commended the American Institute of Architects for releasing a new report to help the State Department design and build 21st Century embassies. The report, ‘Design for Diplomacy: New Embassies for the 21st Century,’ calls on the State Department to integrate embassy security with design excellence.


Congressman Filner Votes To Rebuild Diplomacy, Relations Abroad

Congressman Bob Filner has voted to repair U.S. relations abroad and bolster diplomacy and development efforts around the globe. The State Foreign Operations Appropriations Act invests in strengthening our diplomatic corps after years of neglect and in development programs that are crucial to stabilizing key regions, fighting global pandemics, protecting our environment, and combating drug trafficking.


The Department of State’s Quadrennial Diplomacy and Development Review

The Quadrennial Diplomacy and Development Review (QDDR) will provide the short-, medium-, and long-term blueprint for our diplomatic and development efforts. It will offer guidance on how we develop policies; how we allocate our resources; how we deploy our staff; and how we exercise our authorities.


The Obama White House’s First Try At Second Life

Although Barack Obama is arguably running the most Web-savvy Presidency since the emergence of the commercial Internet, the use of virtual worlds by the U.S. government predates his arrival in the White House. In fact, the United States State Department has been hosting virtual events for the last three years as part of its own public diplomacy push.


Ghana Goes Obama-Mad in Preparation For President’s Visit

Video of the preparation and excitement in Accra for President Obama's upcoming visit to Ghana's capital.


Photo Exhibit Offers An Intimate Look at America’s Jazz Ambassadors

Black jazz legends were sent abroad as part of a State Department diplomatic push even while segregation continued back home.


The Homegrown Face Of Regime Change: Social Media’s Influence In Public Diplomacy

Social networking’s influence in the realm of public diplomacy and cross-cultural communications is becoming ever clearer.



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