A curated selection of public diplomacy-relevant news from a global cross-section of English-language media outlets, including independent, corporate-owned, and state-sponsored sources. The stories featured don't necessarily represent CPD's views nor have they been verified by CPD.

Muslims Decry Violence Against Uighurs

A large section of Muslims yesterday offered special prayers for the well-being of their co-religionists in Urumqi and Kashgar in China’s far-west Xinjiang province. They expressed shock at the violence that is being meted out to Uighurs by Han Chinese in a region that Muslims know as East Turkestan.


KMT chairman urges building cross-strait bridge with culture

Taiwan and China should build a second bridge linking the two with culture after having already erected one based on commerce and trade, Taiwan's ruling Kuomintang Chairman Wu Poh-hsiung said Saturday. Wu said culture -- like sun, air, and water -- was an integral part of daily life.


Obama’s Global Audience

here's nothing opaque about the initial reaction to Obama. In late June, WorldPublicOpinion.org, a project of the University of Maryland's Program on International Policy Attitudes, released a survey of nearly 20,000 respondents in 20 countries that represent three-fifths of the world's population. In the poll, conducted from April through June, far more people expressed confidence in Obama than in any other world leader.


A Trilogy of Asia, Conceived in Motion

Everything about the choreographer Shen Wei’s story says “East meets West.” He was born in China, was a founding member of that country’s first modern-dance company in 1991, moved to New York in 1995, became an American citizen in 2006 and contributed choreography to the opening ceremony of the 2008 Beijing Olympics.


Obama in Ghana, What Kind of Change?

President Barack Obama's trip to Ghana, beginning today, will be rich in symbolism. But those hoping for a new direction in U.S. Africa policy are tempering their hopes with skepticism. The issue posed, parallel to that in other policy spheres, is to what extent change will remain symbolic or reflect substantive shifts, even if small, away from U.S. policies based on unilateral geostrategic goals or unexamined economic policy assumptions.


Reporter’s Podcast: What’s Next for America’s Role in the World?

As many things become global -- trade, communications, the economy -- the question arises of how long the United States can remain No. 1 in a globalized world. NewsHour senior producer for foreign affairs Michael Mosettig gets two perspectives in this Reporter's Podcast.


Bloggers Test Boundaries in Saudi Arabia

Saudi researchers say there are up to 10,000 blogs in the kingdom. But many are now inactive or have refrained from discussing politics since Alfarhan's arrest.
Many blogs also steer clear of Islam, a sensitive issue, focusing more on daily life and challenges for society.


Embassy Architecture: Can the U.S. Build More Than Bunkers?

Our recent troubles with terrorists have wrought many changes, including the rise of American embassies designed with such a strong emphasis on security—at the expense of everything else—that they’ve become, as L.A. Times architecture critic Christopher Hawthorne puts it, “one-size-fits-all bunkers.”



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