A curated selection of public diplomacy-relevant news from a global cross-section of English-language media outlets, including independent, corporate-owned, and state-sponsored sources. The stories featured don't necessarily represent CPD's views nor have they been verified by CPD.

Tweeting away, Tharoor shows the way (Capital Buzz)

Move over Press Information Bureau (PIB), Twitter’s here! It seems web’s latest micro-blogging sensation could be the best public relations tool yet for ministers. Showing way is the polished and tech-savvy Minister of State for External Affairs Shashi Tharoor, a former UN information executive.


30 Saudi Women to Attend US Forum

Today, Saudi Gazette repeats an article from The Boston Globe reporting that 30 Saudi women will be attending a two-week forum in Boston sponsored by the colleges, with funding from the US State Department. It’s good to see that the Middle East Partnership Initiative (MEPI), which funds programs suggested by host country entities, is continuing and that Saudis are making use of it. That’s useful public diplomacy.


Ambassadorships For Sale

Fifteen of Obama's 62 ambassador nominees were campaign money 'bundlers.' Appointments should be based on merit, not fundraising. When candidate Barack Obama spoke of change, we thought he meant a new way of doing business, but apparently he also meant coinage. Because President Obama has kept the unsavory tradition of doling out some of the cushiest ambassadorial posts to fundraisers who brought in some of the biggest chunks of change to his campaign.


Turkey Walks Fine Line of Diplomacy

Torn between feelings of solidarity for the Muslim Uighurs in China’s troubled Xinjiang province and its long-term aim to nurture close political and economic ties with Beijing, Turkey’s government has been struggling to find a middle way between condemning the violence and preserving its foreign policy and trade interests.


Guest Post: China’s Image Marketing: How Well Can Confucius Do?

As part of China's public diplomacy efforts, over 300 Confucius Institutes have been established in more than 80 countries so far. The number is expected to reach 500 by the end of next year and finally around 1000 in all major cities around the world.


Obama’s 2.0 visit to Ghana

U.S. embassies in Africa are inviting residents to ambassadors' residences and movie theaters on Saturday to watch President Barack Obama's speech in Ghana. The White House said Friday that some embassies would have screenings and discussions during the speech in Accra.


Chávez Appeal Wearing Thin in Latin America

It's hard to imagine anyone who misses the presidency of George W. Bush more than Venezuelan President Hugo Chávez. As Chávez's appeal begins to wane, and with Bush in retirement, the time is ripe for Washington to stop ignoring Latin America. Chávez and his friends will not like it, but the rest of the region would welcome stronger ties with its northern neighbor.


Turkish Songs More Powerful Than Diplomacy in Turkic Countries

Turkish songs, movies and TV series, responding to demands of the globalizing world, have long been Turkey's soft power in Turkic countries. Their appeal in Azerbaijan, whose language is close to Turkish, is very strong. Languages in the Central Asian republics are less similar, but the appeal of Turkish pop is no less strong.



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