A curated selection of public diplomacy-relevant news from a global cross-section of English-language media outlets, including independent, corporate-owned, and state-sponsored sources. The stories featured don't necessarily represent CPD's views nor have they been verified by CPD.

Muted Response Reflects U.S. Diplomatic Dilemma

The confused aftermath of Iran's presidential election is complicating the Obama administration's planned outreach to the Islamic republic and underscoring the challenges facing the president's new approach to the Middle East based on shared values and common interests.


H.R. 2410 Public Diplomacy Takes Center Stage

This House resolution authorizes the Secretary of State (Secretary) to establish in the Foreign Service a Public Diplomacy Reserve Corps consisting of mid- and senior-level former Foreign Service officers and other individuals to serve for a period of six months to two years abroad. It provides for the enhancement of U.S. diplomatic outreach worldwide.


AFRICOM Building Research Center

A social science research center is under development at U.S. Africa Command headquarters, where researchers from the academic world are being recruited to help map the complicated human terrain on the African continent.


Foreign affairs need improving substantially

Deputy Prime Minister Pham Gia Khiem has asked ministries, provinces and cities to fulfil their all-round diplomatic tasks in terms of planning, networking and staff training...He asked them to make the best use of the traditional relationship between Vietnam and foreign countries to boost cooperation in politics, economics, culture and the protection of Vietnamese nationals.


Between science, diplomacy and Ambalat dispute

Our government does not seem to have taken full advantage of the potential of science to improve foreign affairs and ensure healthier regional strategic milieu. Indeed, science is often seen as being far removed from diplomacy. The dispute over Ambalat has the potential to erupt into full blown conflict, but the need for scientific research, whatever the outcome, would require mutual cooperation. This point has been overlooked.


The Revolution Will Be Twittered

It's too easy to call the weekend's activities the first revolution that was Twittered, but when histories of the Iranian election are written, Twitter will doubtless be cast as a protagonal technology that enabled the powerless to survive a brutal crackdown and information blackout by the ruling authorities.


Canada must shift gears eastward

We are late to the party in these emerging markets. To jump ahead in the queue, Canada needs to get ahead of its peers with a co-ordinated public diplomacy strategy enabling us to tell a compelling 21st-century Canadian story, streamlining the cacophony of messages from our various levels of governments.


British Lawmakers Stress Need For “Decisive Movement” Toward Nuclear Disarmament

"The decision to renew the U.K.'s Trident system is perceived by some foreign states and some among the British public as appearing to contradict the government's declared commitment to strengthening the international nuclear nonproliferation regime," the report says.



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