A curated selection of public diplomacy-relevant news from a global cross-section of English-language media outlets, including independent, corporate-owned, and state-sponsored sources. The stories featured don't necessarily represent CPD's views nor have they been verified by CPD.

Iran’s Struggle For Free Expression On Twitter

At its technical core, it's people pointing to online servers that government censors haven't yet blocked and that can relay news, information and social networking sites like Twitter.


Brown set to hire PR man who aided Palace

Gordon Brown has hired the public relations man who helped revive the Queen’s image after the death of Diana, Princess of Wales, to try to restore his own battered reputation.


‘From Now On, Democracy Doesn’t Exist Anymore’

The important event that took place in Iran is that it wasn’t an election; it was a coup d’etat. [They] stole 24 million votes of the nation and took them away for themselves. If there were really a winner, they would have to celebrate, but instead they beat people. They performed a coup, but they don’t call it a coup.


Tear Gas and Twitter: Iranians Take Their Protest Online

Iranian protesters have found a new outlet to mobilize and take action. The presidential election has proved how much opposition supporters can demand change without necessarily taking to the streets. Just give them a computer and an Internet connection and watch what they can do.


Tehran’s Wild Nights of Protest

Tehran is living strange days. After two nights of rioting, this city that manages to combine the frantic with the lackadaisical takes even longer than usual to get going in the morning. Street-sweepers brush glass away from shattered bus-stops as slow traffic trundles past torched and blackened bank fronts.


Winds of Change?

First is the diffusion of technology. The Internet, blogs, YouTube and text messaging via cellphones, particularly among the young — 70 percent of Iranians are under 30 — is giving Middle Easterners cheap tools to communicate horizontally, to mobilize politically and to criticize their leaders acerbically, outside of state control.


Videos and Photos from Protests in Tehran

A site with considerable videos and photos of the ongoing clashes in Iran.


Iran Updates (Video): Live-Blogging The Uprising

Liveblogging the latest Iran election fallout.



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