A curated selection of public diplomacy-relevant news from a global cross-section of English-language media outlets, including independent, corporate-owned, and state-sponsored sources. The stories featured don't necessarily represent CPD's views nor have they been verified by CPD.

Arabs Express Gratitude For ‘One Minute’ Standoff

In partnership with their Turkish counterparts, a group of Arab businessmen, many of whom studied at Turkish universities before entering the business world in their home countries, has launched a new initiative titled "We are grateful to Turkey" in response to Prime Minister Recep Tayyip Erdoğan's standoff in Davos in January.


British Council to Host Story Writing Contest

The British Council will host a short story writing competition to mark its 75 years of global work in cultural relations. The Middle East Short Story Competition is designed to stimulate creative and imaginative minds, activate the use of English to communicate ideas in writing and to be an enjoyable experience.


Chilean Actress Aims To Build a Bridge Between Turkey and Chile

Chile is a long way from Turkey but exchange programs of various sorts can help bridge some of that geographical gap. One of those programs culminated in two prominent Chilean films, Machuca and B-Happy, were shown at the Pera Museum.


New Voices to Join International TV News

NHK World, Japan’s recently relaunched attempt to broadcast to the world in English, is trying to add a Japanese voice to the raucous but influential chatter of international television news. Its voice may soon be joined by one from China, which is pushing to set up English language television news operations.


Brazil Residents Tour Michigan As Part of a Rotary Exchange Program

Five young professionals from Northeastern Brazil visited the Petoskey News-Review during their month-long trip through Michigan as part of Rotary Foundation’s group study exchange program. During their visit, the group learned about U.S. culture by staying with host families and were able to meet with professionals in their same vocation.


Chávez Raising Pressure On Defiant TV Network

In recent weeks, officials in this country -- where the government controls a media apparatus devoted to glowing coverage of the president -- have appeared increasingly obsessed with the 24-hour, all-news station.


Mallu Boy Bags Award For Making Hairy Metal Heads Jam

Vijay Nair, artist manager of bands Pentagram, Zero and Pin Drop Violence and founder of event and artist management company OML, just won the award for International Young Music Entrepreneur of the Year 2009, chosen by the British Council. He wins a cash prize to collaborate with the British Council.


British Council Plan To Cut 500 Jobs and Offshore to India Slammed By Union

Unions have condemned the British Council's announcement that it intends to cut up to 500 jobs over the next two years and consider offshoring work to India. Mark Serwotka, PCS general secretary, added: "It comes as a surprise that the British Council, whose remit is to promote Britain abroad, is even considering offshoring jobs."



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