A curated selection of public diplomacy-relevant news from a global cross-section of English-language media outlets, including independent, corporate-owned, and state-sponsored sources. The stories featured don't necessarily represent CPD's views nor have they been verified by CPD.

US House Of Representatives Approves State Department Funding Measure

The House of Representatives has approved legislation authorizing U.S foreign assistance programs and other spending for the 2010 and 2011 fiscal years. Lawmakers debated a range of global issues before the 235 to 187 vote approving the measure.

Tags: congress

U.S. Fights an Information War in Afghanistan

American public affairs officers previously have been slow in responding. U.S. military officials here complain that Taliban leaders are often better and faster at spreading their versions of deadly events. This time, however, public affairs officers mounted a swift and detailed information operation.


Foreign Policy Blogger: US International Broadcasting “Rarely Taken Seriously.”

US international broadcasting would not have its present weekly audience of 175 million (second only to that of the BBC world services), if it were perceived as "propaganda and thus rarely taken seriously."


Clinton Adopts Low-Key Style at State Dept.

On trips [abroad], she has set a new tone. She often acknowledges what she sees as past mistakes by the United States — to the delight of her audience. And she's booked a series of campaign-style public appearances that she calls "people-to-people" diplomacy, an effort to shore up the flagging U.S. image.


Pakistan Needs To Become a ‘Soft Power’

Pakistan should initiate the process of persuasion through cultural and literary channels to emerge as a ‘Soft Power’ without using traditional means of armed forces, weaponry and nuclear capability. This was the essence of the presentation on “Developing Pakistan’s Soft Power” by Pakistan’s Ministry of Foreign Affairs.


The Importance of Hard Power

Thinking their version of a Kantian universal peace arose from the committee chambers of the European Union - and not from the victories of the Western powers in World War II and the Cold War – [Europeans] hold up soft power as a model for the rest of the world. But the futility of [soft power] can be seen everywhere, from the failure of negotiations to deter both Iran and North Korea from their nuclear programs …to the lackluster response to Russia's invasion of Georgian territory.


America’s Détente With the Muslim World

The Obama administration has displayed interest in [the smart power] approach, with Secretary of State Hillary Clinton emphasizing some of the basic tenets of the smart power strategy. President Obama's public declaration that he would 'listen' and not 'lecture' has reaffirmed the new dispensations disregard for a domineering engagement with the world.


Obama’s Missed Opportunity in Egypt

Specialists in international public diplomacy, however, said the president missed a chance to launch a much-needed program to more directly critique the roots of Muslim extremism and counter its ideology of hate with a war of ideas.



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