A curated selection of public diplomacy-relevant news from a global cross-section of English-language media outlets, including independent, corporate-owned, and state-sponsored sources. The stories featured don't necessarily represent CPD's views nor have they been verified by CPD.

Mussolini is Dead; We are Still Here!

The British Council was born from the idea that empathizing and mutual respect are better ways for the human race to proceed than ignorance, antagonism and tension. The reason we exist and the reason we started out was to develop what we now call, in phrases that I coined, "People to People Diplomacy" or "Public Diplomacy", which goes along side the more formal diplomacy. While it is not the sole alternative to armed engagement, I think it is a much more durable way of conducting affairs.


Arabs Want Action, Not Words, From Obama

More important than what Obama says during his Cairo address will be the actions his government takes subsequently. If the last eight years revealed anything about U.S. relations with Arab nations, it is that U.S. rhetoric and public diplomacy efforts are useless if they do not correlate with U.S. actions.


Vietnam, China Promote Cultural Exchange

A three-day cultural exchange between Mong Cai city of Vietnam and Phong Thanh port city of China has successfully concluded on Bac Luan bridge, which links the two countries.The two-hour closing ceremony was attended by senior officials of Vietnam and China, as well as thousands of people and students of the two countries.


Students Pack Bags For Year Abroad

Three Brookings High School [South Dakota} students are leaving the country to spend the next year in a foreign land as a part of the Rotary International Youth Exchange Program. While the three students are away from home, soaking up the culture of another country, a Norwegian student will be staying in Brookings for a year.


From Guantanamo Bay to Pyongyang: The Diplomacy of Deeds

A journalist's right to report the news is a critical one, as is a journalist's right to a fair and open trial. Yet, it is important to put the treatment of Ling and Lee in context: the United States jails journalists in Iraq with relative frequency and rarely affords them the rights to a fair and transparent trial.


House Approves Bills to Coordinate International Science and Technology Partnerships

The House of Representatives approved two bills that originated in the Committee on Science and Technology. H.R. 1736, the International Science and Technology Cooperation Act of 2009, and H.R. 1709, the STEM Education Coordination Act of 2009.

Tags: science diplomacy

The Difference Between Bush’s “Freedom Agenda” and Obama’s “Support for Human Rights”

Now that the dust has settled on President Obama's speech in Cairo it's possible to discern the outlines of the new administration's human rights and democracy promotion strategy… the differences with the Bush administration's approach were apparent in what President Obama said, and what he didn't say in Cairo.


Budapest, Shanghai to Broaden Cooperation

The mayors of Budapest and Shanghai signed a letter of intent in Budapest on broadening cooperation between the two cities. The two cities will boost bilateral cooperation in infrastructure development, conservation of national heritage, and in promoting business and cultural relations.



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