A curated selection of public diplomacy-relevant news from a global cross-section of English-language media outlets, including independent, corporate-owned, and state-sponsored sources. The stories featured don't necessarily represent CPD's views nor have they been verified by CPD.

A New Beginning

Ground-breaking. This is one word which can sum up the global reaction to US President Barack Obama’s speech to the Muslim world delivered at a packed auditorium on the sprawling campus of Cairo University yesterday.


Obama Wins Local (Muted) Applause

U.S. President Barack Obama’s long-awaited address to the Muslim world yesterday was deemed a new beginning for U.S. relations, but analysts criticized Obama’s emphasis on women’s rights and democracy, which are problems not limited to the Islamic world. In early reactions to Obama’s speech from Egypt’s Cairo University, President Abdullah Gül said Obama proved he was a "constructive leader."


Egyptian Press Expresses Cautious Optimism After Obama Speech

“A new beginning for Muslim-US ties,” proclaimed the semi-official Egyptian newspaper Al Jumhuria on its front-page Friday, a commentary echoed by other government-run publications on US President Barack Obama’s speech to the Muslim world on Thursday.


A New Beginning in Cairo

It had been one of the most awaited speeches in recent history. And when President Barack Obama finally stood up to speak in Cairo on Thursday, he seemed to do justice to all those expectations and hopes. Everyone knows Obama can make a fine speech. But this one was truly historic and is likely to be remembered long as much for its respectful tone and tenor as its refreshing content.


Obama’s New Era in International Diplomacy

The address was totally in line with Barack Obama's personal history; it was also a significant departure with traditional politics, just like the precedent-setting choice by the American electorate last November.


On Obama’s Speech, the Differences, and Gap Bridging

The speech left most attendees — Egyptians and Westerners — awed and emotional, with mixed feelings of hope, fear, and sometimes perplexity and uncertainty. Ironically, Obama's same words that were to spark skepticism among the Muslim world, would also be harshly criticized by America's conservatives.


Tears and Hard Truths in Cairo

One minute into his speech he won nearly every heart and mind in the great hall, announcing his pride to be carrying "the goodwill of the American people, and a greeting of peace Muslim communities use in my country: asalaamu alaikum. The audience rose to its feet and I was not the only one in that vast hall with tears in my eyes.


Obama’s Speech

Many people might treat Obama’s speech as an international event par excellence, or as merely an exercise in propaganda. Nonetheless, those who were justifiably and understandably impressed by what he said, or those who were apprehensive due to their hostility to U.S. policy.



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