A curated selection of public diplomacy-relevant news from a global cross-section of English-language media outlets, including independent, corporate-owned, and state-sponsored sources. The stories featured don't necessarily represent CPD's views nor have they been verified by CPD.

Pakistanis Praise Obama Cairo Speech But Await Specifics

A group of Pakistanis who watched President Barack Obama's Cairo speech to Muslims are praising the American leader for his skill as a public speaker. But after seeing the speech on television at VOA's Islamabad bureau, they say it lacked specific policy details that they consider crucial to improving U.S. relations with Pakistan.


The Limits of Science Diplomacy

Using science for diplomatic purposes has obvious attractions and several benefits. But there are limits to what it can achieve.

Tags: science diplomacy

Obama’s Preamble in Cairo

The Cairo speech was the classic Obama: Let us talk honestly about our differences; let us respect each other; let us find the common ground on which we can solve problems.


Does it play in Delhi? And Rabat, Jakarta, Kabul and elsewhere in the Muslim world?

GlobalPost correspondents living in the Muslim world watched the speech with locals — when they could find locals watching, and in many places they couldn't. Here are links to their reports and some excerpts.


Reaction in America Enthusiastic, With Caveats

President Obama's Cairo address to the Muslim communities of the world reverberated back in the United States, where some Muslim leaders hailed it as a breakthrough, rebalancing international relationships, as well as an affirmation of American Muslims. Others thought the president could have gone further.


Kenya Welcomes Obama’s Speech to Muslim World

Kenyans welcomed U.S. President Barack Obama's address to the Muslim world on Thursday, although some Muslim leaders said they will watch closely to see if his words are followed by action.


Check Out IRIS Youth Exchange Study Program

Iowa Resource for International Service (IRIS) is a nonprofit based out of Ames. We facilitate the Youth Exchange and Study program here in Iowa. In August we will bring 60 high school students from the countries of Nigeria and Tanzania to Iowa to study for the full academic year.


Montebello Rotary Club Hosts Turkish Exchange Team

Several members of the Montebello Rotary Club played host to members of an incoming Rotary Group Study Exchange team [from Turkey] that recently spent a month in Southern California and Nevada. The Rotary program is a cultural and vocational exchange opportunity for young business professionals.



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