A curated selection of public diplomacy-relevant news from a global cross-section of English-language media outlets, including independent, corporate-owned, and state-sponsored sources. The stories featured don't necessarily represent CPD's views nor have they been verified by CPD.

P2P2G: The Rise of E-Diplomacy

Total views of State Department content on YouTube are up more than 400 percent since Obama’s Inauguration. ExchangesConnect, a cultural exchange social networking site (built on the free Ning.com platform) that focuses onforeignexchangestudents, recently registered its 10,000th member.


West Africans React to Obama Speech

Many Muslims in West Africa watched U.S. President Barack Obama's speech from Cairo as he called for a new beginning between the United States and the world's one billion Muslims, to end what he says is a cycle of "suspicion and discord." The U.S. Embassy in Mauritania invited people to watch President Barack Obama's speech live in an embassy conference room.


Obama’s Outreach: The View From Dubai

On the dusty outskirts of this glistening city, an army of laborers from all over the Muslim world will trudge back to the crowded dormitories where they scratch out an existence and tune in via satellite channels to hear the message of “a new beginning” that President Barack Obama delivered to the Muslim world.


Obama Speaks Before 3,000, Addresses a Billion

The level of interest in this speech, though, has grown to a fever pitch in Cairo in recent days. For security reasons, the city is virtually shut down. Roads are quiet and businesses empty. Egyptians everywhere crowded into cafes and apartments to watch the address.


Varying Responses to Speech in Mideast Highlight Divisions

President Obama’s carefully balanced message was greeted warmly by his immediate audience in Cairo on Thursday and in some other parts of the Mideast, but there was also dismissiveness and frustration.


Obama’s Cairo Two-Step

He doesn’t speak Arabic, Farsi or Urdu, but Obama communicates in a language understood in the Middle East. While the occupation of Iraq and Afghanistan, and U.S. support for Israel will continue, Obama will seek to shift Muslim public opinion by putting something new on the bargaining table: respect


Arab Press Demands Obama End Israel “Bias”

Egypt's press called on Barack Obama to end the United States' "blind bias" towards Israel, as the U.S. president arrived in Cairo where he will make a much-anticipated address to the world's Muslims.


Humility Or Humiliation?

Frankly, I think the last decade or so has shown the extreme limits of hard power and the desperate need for more public diplomacy, national re-branding and some shrewd maneuvering to advance the interests of the West and to help avoid what could be a catastrophic era in global politics.



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