A curated selection of public diplomacy-relevant news from a global cross-section of English-language media outlets, including independent, corporate-owned, and state-sponsored sources. The stories featured don't necessarily represent CPD's views nor have they been verified by CPD.

Time for Action, Mr President

Are the winds of change indeed sweeping the Middle East, or is it my hyperactive imagination coupled with my Obamania that is playing tricks? Ahead of President Obama’s visit to Saudi Arabia and Egypt, a Gallup opinion poll has reported a significant turnaround in the Muslim world’s perception of America since Obama’s election.


Arab Students Respond to Obama

The speech that President Barack Obama gave at Cairo University was very interesting and refreshing. It was definitely a big break from the tone and style that President Bush employed in addressing the Arab world.


Mount Everest in Cairo

It may come to be known as the “new beginnings” speech. The speech that Barack Obama delivered today at Cairo University was probably not his best speech, but it may be his most important and most widely disseminated ever.


Obama Holds Saudi Talks

Barack Obama has met King Abdullah of Saudi Arabia in Riyadh as he prepares to make a much-anticipated speech in Cairo aimed at repairing US relations with the Muslim world. King Abdullah had been expected to express his worries that Obama's diplomatic outreach to Iran may damage Riyadh's diplomatic strength, diplomats and analysts said, and urge Obama to increase pressure on Israel over the building of settlements



Saudi Arabia rolled out red carpet to welcome US President Barack Obama, who arrived in Riyadh Wednesday on his maiden visit, en route to Cairo to deliver a much-heralded speech. “As I take this trip and will be visiting Cairo tomorrow I thought it was very important to come to the cradle of Islam and seek His Majesty’s counsel,” Obama said.


Americans ‘Negative’ About Muslims

As Barack Obama, the US president, seeks to mend the image of the US in the Muslim world, a new survey indicates almost half of Americans have a negative opinion about Muslim countries. The 46 per cent of respondents who held an unfavourable view of Islamic nations was up five per cent from 2002, while just 20 per cent said they held a positive opinion.


Obama Seeks Closer Saudi Ties

King Abdullah thanked Obama for visiting Saudi Arabia and said, “The visit was not surprising for the two countries because the US is a friend and an ally of Saudi Arabia since the days of the late King Abdul Aziz and President Franklin D. Roosevelt.”


Obama Visits Saudi King in Bid To Open Muslim Dialogue

President Barack Obama praised the United States' long strategic relationship with Saudi Arabia on Wednesday and said his visit was to seek King Abdullah Bin Abdul Aziz's advice before making his much-heralded speech to the Islamic world in Cairo.



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