A curated selection of public diplomacy-relevant news from a global cross-section of English-language media outlets, including independent, corporate-owned, and state-sponsored sources. The stories featured don't necessarily represent CPD's views nor have they been verified by CPD.

Strength on Display: The President in Cairo

President Obama’s speech was so effective because it was an American President, displaying an appreciation of Arab and Islamic contributions to global history, acknowledging American faults with humility, and seeking to improve the collective well-being of all.


Passing the Day at Guantanamo Bay: A Video Game is on the Way

What do the following have in common? Former U.S. Vice President Al Gore, detainees at Guantanamo Bay, and North Korea’s sentencing of the two American female journalists to hard labor. Answer: Each is relevant to Current TV, a U.S. satellite TV channel and Web site.


Kultura at Kasarinlan: Celebrating Philippine National Heritage Month [in Vietnam]

The Philippine Embassy in Hanoi, in cooperation with the Filipino community, observed National Heritage Month and the 111th Anniversary of the Declaration of Philippine Independence with two events that showcased distinct elements of Philippine culture, particularly the “Santacruzan”, Filipino music, and the indigenous dance “Pangalay.”


The Future of “Public Diplomacy 2.0”

Watching American diplomats embrace new media for the purposes of public diplomacy has been a very awkward experience. By shifting their outreach campaigns to Facebook, Twitter, and blogs, the government may be trying to do the impossible, i.e. to plant carefully worded and controlled messages on platforms that sprang up precisely to avoid the kind of influence that the State Department seeks to exert via them.


Qantara.de Now Available in Indonesian

Qantara.de provides an online forum that fosters dialogue between the West and the Islamic world. The intention is to discuss controversial issues openly and to highlight common ground between cultures.


Prolonged Detention Hurts America’s Efforts to Defeat Terrorists

"The use of arbitrary and unlimited detention by the Bush Administration has strengthened the hand of terrorists – rather than isolating and delegitimizing them – in the political struggle for hearts and minds," Human Rights First (HRF) CEO Elisa Massimino told members of the Senate Judiciary Committee during its hearing examining the consequences of prolonged detention.


New Global Trade Structures and the New Role of the U.S. Economy

Service exports consist of travel, patents, royalties, and information. They are a kind of soft power, and the government’s role in it should be to lay the groundwork for the service export industry and to facilitate linkages. The “Green New Deal” which President Obama has launched is an attempt to turn in this direction.


Brand Oman & Ministry of Tourism Join Forces

Having seen the power of branding, more governments around the world are giving their countries an identity face-lift. "You don't have to be a brand specialist to see that global perceptions affect a country's ability to attract inward investment and tourists," said His Highness Sayyid Faisal Al Said, CEO, Oman Brand Management Unit (OBMU).



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