A curated selection of public diplomacy-relevant news from a global cross-section of English-language media outlets, including independent, corporate-owned, and state-sponsored sources. The stories featured don't necessarily represent CPD's views nor have they been verified by CPD.

SF kids to dine with President Obama, Sarkozy

How's this for a vacation: You're in Normandy, France, as part of a foreign exchange program when President Obama, first lady Michelle Obama, French President Sarkozy and his wife Carla Bruni invite you to a private luncheon. Sounds far-fetched, but that's exactly what will happen to 54 5th graders from San Francisco's French American International School Saturday. The students were invited to dine with the luminaries as part of a D-Day commemoration.


Cairo Speech Said to Signal Increased Funding of Democracy Programs

In laying the groundwork for a renewal of scholarships and exchange programs and people-to-people dialogues, [Project on Middle East Democracy Exec Director] Albertson said Mr. Obama had outlined the first steps that could be taken to build greater trust and understanding.


Engagement is the New Public Diplomacy or the Adventures of a Euphemism of a Euphemism

The term engagement has much to commend it. It is not the term public diplomacy. It is already used in slightly different ways in the worlds of marketing and the military and can therefore be assumed to fall reassuringly on the ears of both those constituencies.


Is a Fundraiser Ambassador An Asset?

Andrew F. Cooper, visiting fellow at the USC Center on Public Diplomacy and author of the book “Celebrity Diplomacy,” says that boldfaced names can capitalize on their fame in ways that careerists do not. “They do have the ability to network and know how to play the sort of post-modern political game, away from the sort of club approach to diplomacy, where everything is done in the cocktail circuit and between professional diplomats,” he says.


It’s Time To Scrap Ambassadors and Their Embassies

So-called (and ill-named) “public diplomacy” has always been the poorer cousin of the self-regarding hard-core “real” diplomats who do the important stuff like negotiate treaties and start wars. For some reason, diplomats and governments have believed that somehow the message about the role of governments can be separated in the public’s mind from what they actually do.


Obama and the Muslims

The following MESH members responded to an invitation to comment on the speech: Michele Dunne, Bernard Heykal, Josef Joffe, Mark N. Katz, Mark T. Kimmitt, Martin Kramer, Walter Laqueur, Michael Mandelbaum, Michael Rubin, Harvey Sicherman, Philip Carl Salzman, Raymond Tanter, and Michael Young.


Breaching the Firewall

U.S. government international communicators shifted into max overdrive from both sides of that protective "firewall," to report on what may become known as one of the great White House public diplomacy efforts ever.


Middle East: Bloggers React to Obama’s Address

From being described as the “self-appointed world leader” to questioning his choice of speech venue to choosing to turn a deaf ear to his speech, blogs across the Middle East are reacting to US President Barack Obama's policy speech on the Middle East just delivered in Cairo, Egypt.



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