A curated selection of public diplomacy-relevant news from a global cross-section of English-language media outlets, including independent, corporate-owned, and state-sponsored sources. The stories featured don't necessarily represent CPD's views nor have they been verified by CPD.

The Cairo Speech: Arab Muslim Voices

Large numbers did listen to or watch the broadcast, often grouped together in cafes or conference rooms. The event brought Arabs from Morocco to Iraq together and captured their attention in a way that is usually reserved for major sporting events - or the start of a war.


Arab Invasion at American Publishing Event

For the first time in its history, America’s biggest publishing event has dedicated its efforts to promoting Arab literature. Book Expo America (BEA) 2009, held this week in New York, featured more than 600 representatives from the Muslim world, and also introduced more than 300 Arab-language children’s books to the North American market.


Indonesian Batik gains popularity in Namibia

Walking down Windhoek’s busy streets, or other parts of Namibia for that matter, you will notice a large number of Namibians wearing batik shirts. An increasing number of this southern African country’s 2 million inhabitants are wearing the Indonesian fabrics.


Ambassador Hot Dog

Thankfully, the United States has developed over the years a disarming way to put its foreign guests at ease. It is to offer that most unassuming of American food items, one long associated with baseball, barbecues and occasional gastrointestinal distress. Yes: the hot dog.


Statement of Purpose

Welcome as Obama's efforts are to reduce the mutual suspicions that Muslims in the Arab world and Americans share, the Muslim world must not be seen as a monolithic entity. To be fair, Obama did attack frontally the idea of a clash of civilisations, and emphasised how much Islam and America share.


Mormon Diplomacy Part II- Public Affairs

I enjoyed writing about Mormon Diplomacy so much last week, I decided I wanted to write a small series on the subject. I felt it might be interesting to point out some of the Church's major institutionalized diplomatic efforts, as well as discuss some of the diplomatic needs of the Church.


Muslim Voices Share Arts In City Festival

The festival features more than 100 artists from 23 countries, who are diverse in culture and talent but unified in faith. " The festival includes Arabic cinema, Indonesian dance, Urdu drama and Mbalax music by Africa's best selling pop artist, Senegalese performer Youssou N'Dour.


Diplomacy With a Jazz Beat

A jazz festival may seem a little out of place in this remote Algerian town battered by social unrest and unemployment. But it's part of an attempt by the United States to sponsor cultural events across the Arab world to capture the "hearts and minds" of people often wary of American policies in the Middle East.



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