A curated selection of public diplomacy-relevant news from a global cross-section of English-language media outlets, including independent, corporate-owned, and state-sponsored sources. The stories featured don't necessarily represent CPD's views nor have they been verified by CPD.

Argentina Brings its Artistic Flavors to the Kingdom

The artwork of two acclaimed Argentinean artists Santiago Espechey and Francisco Gustavo Coppoletta was on display from Sunday to Wednesday at the House of Art at Jamjoom Center in Jeddah. It was hosted under the patronage of the Minister of Culture and Information, Abdul Aziz Khoja, and the sponsorship of the Ambassador of Argentina to Saudi Arabia, Enrique Pareja, and inaugurated on Sunday evening.


One Way to Combat the Taliban

Why not offer a major U.S. resettlement plan for refugees in camps and those now being hosted, with great difficulty, by families and local villagers? Why not help private Pakistani charities and individuals who are aiding refugees? And why not -- at a time when Pakistanis are angry at the Taliban -- do a better job of publicizing U.S. assistance?


Obama’s Muslim address: ‘Mutual respect’

With a long-promised address to the Muslim world next week, the White House says, President Barack Obama plans to underscore the "mutual interests and mutual respect'' that the United States and Muslim communities around the world have.


High Expectations for Obama’s Speech in Egypt

This is why expectations are high and dare not be let down. This speech must be more than banal clichés ("we are not at war with Muslims") or a repetition of hollow visions. It must be bigger, more consequential and more substantial. It is a tall order, but given Obama's modus operandi, I'm counting on him to prove me right.


Obama: T-Minus 4 Days

It’s four days until President Barack Obama makes his much-anticipated visit to Cairo to give an address to the Muslim world. And the buzz is growing. As you would expect, you have your two opposing camps of people: those who are excited about Obama’s trip and those who are cynical about it.


Cairo Counts Down to Obama

Obama's visit to Egypt and his choice of Cairo -- especially Cairo University -- as a venue to deliver a speech to Muslim and Arab nations was received with much enthusiasm in official quarters. State officials and their spokesmen attempt to paint Obama's choice as a clear message to all concerned about the "uncontested status of Cairo" as the leading Arab and Muslim capital


Obama Steps Into Diplomatic Minefield

Ahead of two critical elections, in Lebanon and Iran, United States President Barack Obama's visit to the Middle East next week is a delicate matter that may even prove to be a litmus test of his foreign policy orientation.


The Globalization of Social Media

It’s been an interesting week for social media sites, and for globalization. As an added bonus the week also featured those other drivers of human drama: sex, money and power.



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