A curated selection of public diplomacy-relevant news from a global cross-section of English-language media outlets, including independent, corporate-owned, and state-sponsored sources. The stories featured don't necessarily represent CPD's views nor have they been verified by CPD.

South Korea Calls For Enhanced Ties With ASEAN

South Korean President Lee Myung-bak called Sunday for closer business and cultural ties with Southeast Asia. President Lee: "We must strengthen our economic partnership, expand cultural exchange and become partners in our common goal of taking the lead in the new era of green growth,"


Addressing Muslim World, Obama Will Face Many Audiences

President Barack Obama has a sweeping goal for his speech Thursday in Cairo, Egypt: to begin remaking the dynamic between the United States and Muslims abroad. Tying together all the elements of such a speech is no easy proposition, for his worldwide audience - Muslim and non-Muslim - reflects competing priorities and concerns


President Obama Making Crucial Visit to Muslim leaders in Saudi Arabia, Egypt

President Obamahopes to begin winning over hearts and minds of the Muslim world with strategic visits this week to pro-Western alliesSaudi Arabia and Egypt. Obama first and foremost hopes to turn the page with the globe's moderate Muslim majority.


Future Leaders Hold Summit

Local and foreign university students began the three-day Asian Campus Summit on Jeju Island Sunday on the sidelines of the ASEAN-Korea Commemorative Summit. The summit discusses global issues and ways to build a stronger community in the ASEAN region. Made up of about 40 students who dream of being future leaders, the summit is co-organized by the Presidential Council on Nation Branding in a bid to boost exchanges among young people from the region


Superbrands Takes off in Caribbean

A new gateway has been opened for Caribbean brands to gain international market recognition, following the launch of Superbrands Caribbean last week. The brainchild of veteran public relations executive Keith Brown, Superbrands Caribbean will over the next several months identify brands from the region that "represent quality, reliability and distinction, and perform above and beyond other brands within their respective markets covering an extensive range of product and service categories".


Diplomats Told to Take Offensive in PR War Against Iran

Organizing demonstrations in front of Iranian consulates worldwide, staging mock stonings and hangings in public, and launching a massive media campaign against Iran - these are just some of the steps Israeli diplomats have been told to take in the coming weeks. The goal, according to a senior Foreign Ministry official, is "to show the world that Iran is not a Western democracy" in the run-up to the country's presidential election on June 12.


In Egypt, Dissident Ayman Nour is Pessimistic on Eve of Obama Visit

Ayman Nour was freed from prison early this year in a gesture to the U.S., but he fears that Washington, which needs Egypt's help in the region, won't push for democratic reforms.


Obama Speech to Muslims Key to New Strategy

President Barack Obama will try to repair America's tarnished image in the Muslim world on Thursday, as he looks to mobilize support for restarting Middle East peacemaking and thwarting Iran's nuclear ambitions.



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