A curated selection of public diplomacy-relevant news from a global cross-section of English-language media outlets, including independent, corporate-owned, and state-sponsored sources. The stories featured don't necessarily represent CPD's views nor have they been verified by CPD.

Obama Needs a Magic Wand

Obama will arrive and deliver his eagerly anticipated speech to the Arabs and Muslims, this speech is particularly important since it comes after 8 years of conflict, war, and the fueling of terrorism, [that occurred] during Bush's administration. However the truth is that Obama does not have a magic wand [to wave] at all the problems.


What Obama Will Say in Cairo

We already know, broadly, what Obama will say during his visit to Egypt this week. There are ample clues in the speech he gave to the Turkish parliament two months ago, and his interview with al-Arabiya television last January.


Obama Needs a ‘Big Idea’ for Muslims

When President Obama speaks to the world's Muslims from Cairo this week, he'll touch, again, on the themes of respect and engagement. But he's delivered that message at least three times already, and this time his audience will expect more. They'll want to know whether Obama has a "big idea" about U.S policy toward Arabs and Muslims.


Tuberculosis In Muslim World: A Chance For Cooperation

An excellent place [for President Obama] to start would be to partner with Muslim countries in the fight against tuberculosis, especially in Afghanistan, Pakistan, Indonesia and Bangladesh, where millions are affected by the disease and where important, but fragile, gains have been made.


Obama and the Dialogue of Civilizations

President Barack Obama's June 4th speech in Cairo will be one of the most important of his presidency. The success or failure of Obama's presidency may well depend on his actions in the Muslim world, especially in Afghanistan and Pakistan where he has recently committed thousands of additional American troops and billions of dollars.


Albanian Diplomats Visit Hollywood

Albanian municipal leaders recently visited Hollywood as part of a unique cultural exchange that provided insight into the inner workings of local government and community newspaper publishing. The Albanian dignitaries were invited to the U.S. under the auspices of the Department of State’s International Visitor Leadership Program.


Politics-Africa: Critics Target U.S. Military Command

Streamlining the image of the command is proving every bit as demanding as putting personnel and equipment in place, however. Controversy has surrounded AFRICOM on both sides of the Atlantic since the start of the initiative, and appears unlikely to fade any time soon.


Setting the Scene

As President Obama embarks for Riyahd and Cairo this evening, the "scene setters" appear: the BBC headlines "what could be one of the most important speeches of his presidency"; America's own NPR features a pre-departure interview focused on the Cairo speech as a "high-profile opportunity to reshape America's image among Muslim countries."



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