A curated selection of public diplomacy-relevant news from a global cross-section of English-language media outlets, including independent, corporate-owned, and state-sponsored sources. The stories featured don't necessarily represent CPD's views nor have they been verified by CPD.

Obama the Underminer

If President Barack Obama's speech in Cairo on Thursday is designed to hit "reset" on Washington's relations with the Muslim world, the White House may soon find that it is pushing the wrong buttons. Public diplomacy in the lands of Islam is a deeply complicated affair, and Muslims do it much better than U.S. presidents.


China’s Great Firewall Blocks Twitter

Days ahead of the the 20th anniversary of the Tiananmen Square democracy movement, the Chinese government has detained a prominent dissident, disrupted satellite news broadcasts and blocked access to popular Web sites used to post information and exchange messages, including Hotmail, Flickr and Twitter.


What the Muslim World Wants to Hear From Obama

President Obama’s tour of the Middle East is intended to set the groundwork for a resolution to the Arab-Israeli conflict and improve the image of the United States in the Muslim world. On Thursday, he is scheduled to give his first speech in Cairo. Here are seven views from the region about what he should say.


Egyptians’ Excitement for Obama’s Speech Conceals Mistrust

An Egyptian journalist explained, "Americans seem to think that by electing Obama, they have wiped the slate clean. 'We can go back to being the good guys!' His administration needs to understand that Egyptians at least are ready to give him a chance, but he had better make the most of it."


Al-Qaeda Tells Muslims: Shun Obama

Calling Obama a "criminal", Ayman al-Zawahiri told Muslims not to heed the "elegant words" of the US leader whose speech in Cairo on Thursday is aimed at repairing ties with the Islamic world damaged by his predecessor's "war on terror" policies.


High Expectations for Obama’s Cairo Speech

President Obama has set a high bar for his trip to the Middle East and Europe this week. By his own description, he is on a truth-telling mission. The challenges are clear: Can he successfully reach out to the Muslim world without offending Israel? Can words move either side to do what they have resisted in the past?


Arab States Cool to Obama Pleas for Peace Gesture

It is hard to overstate how much excitement President Obama’s visit here has generated. People across the crowded metropolis of Cairo are marveling at how much sprucing up the government has done, from paving over the road in front of Cairo University to painting light poles and bridges to planting trees and bushes around the Citadel


Welcome President Barack Obama

Your Excellency President Barack Obama, your visit to the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia, as a first stop preceding your delivery of your address which you will direct to the Islamic world from Egypt, must be viewed within the framework of all its inferences and significances.



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