A curated selection of public diplomacy-relevant news from a global cross-section of English-language media outlets, including independent, corporate-owned, and state-sponsored sources. The stories featured don't necessarily represent CPD's views nor have they been verified by CPD.

Checking the Enemy’s Ideology

Obama's speech in Cairo must be complemented by a campaign to empower Muslims who do not share the Islamists' vision for humanity. The administration should take its time and get this right. Traditional State Department public diplomacy should be enhanced, but its overall mission should be expanded and new tools are needed.


Iran, Turkey Keen to Promote Cultural, Sport Cooperation

The Chief of Turkey's Parliament Culture, Education and Sport Commission, Mehmet Saghlam, meeting with Iran's ambassador to Ankara, Bahman Hosseinpour, said Turkish Parliament welcomes broadening cultural, artistic and sport ties with Iran.


A New Iran Overture, With Hot Dogs

Having sent the Iranian people a video greeting on their New Year, President Obama is now inviting them to help celebrate a quintessentially American holiday, the Fourth of July. Last Friday, the State Department sent a cable to its embassies and consulates around the world notifying them that “they may invite representatives from the government of Iran” to their Independence Day celebrations.


Egyptians Set the Stage for Obama Address

Street-level buzz has gone through the roof as Obama’s visit approaches. And few hold back when it comes to expressing what they think Obama ought to be talking about. Israel-Palestine, Iraq, Sudan, and terrorism are listed as top priorities among those weighing-in on topics.


Obama Middle East Trip: Muslims Want Tangible Change

Respect for Islam, a prescription for Palestinian statehood and assurances of a speedy U.S. pullout from Iraq- that's what Muslims from Morocco to Malaysia say they want to hear from President Barack Obama this week when he addresses them from this Arab capital.


Hearing Muslim Voices

A pageant that opens in New York on June 5, Muslim Voices: Arts & Ideas, sets out to fill some of the gaps and to challenge or change the preconceptions Americans have about Muslims. The effort goes beyond talk and debate, joining many art forms with a formidable intellectual agenda


Dishing Democracy: Satellite TV Spurs Evolutionary Democracy in the Arab World

Along with the Internet, satellite broadcasting has enabled remarkable change in the way that Arab societies, which tend to favor traditional and group-oriented values, engage in discussions about politics and society. Since the early 1990s, satellite broadcasting in the Arab world has proliferated to yield more than 200 channels reaching an audience of approximately 325 million. In 22 countries spanning from Morocco in North Africa to Yemen in the Persian Gulf, this Arabic-speaking audience has a combined population accounting for a quarter of the Muslim world.


Public Diplomacy: Renewing America’s Engagement With the People of the World

As Under Secretary for Public Diplomacy and Public Affairs I will work with a talented team of career diplomats all over the globe to build lasting relationships of mutual trust and respect between the American people and foreign publics.



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