A curated selection of public diplomacy-relevant news from a global cross-section of English-language media outlets, including independent, corporate-owned, and state-sponsored sources. The stories featured don't necessarily represent CPD's views nor have they been verified by CPD.

Diplomats Need to Practice Street Cred

The Lowy Institute study Australia's Diplomatic Deficit, Reinvesting in Our Instruments of International Policy shines a light into some of the darker recesses of the Department of Foreign Affairs. It is long overdue and the Government would do well to take its recommendations seriously.


Clinton Employs Humility

Clinton's tone is part of a conscious public diplomacy effort by the Obama administration to change world opinion of the U.S., which sank deeply during his predecessor's eight years, due to the Iraq War, the treatment of detainees, and other actions. The approach by Clinton, who's on her first trip to Latin America as the top U.S. diplomat, seemed to be playing well. Mexico, like many other countries in the hemisphere, has often bristled at what it sees as arrogance and hypocrisy from its larger, richer, and more populous neighbor.


The Evolution of Celebrity Diplomacy

Celebrity diplomacy is nothing new, but it tends to be exceedingly apolitical, such as Audrey Hepburn’s humanitarian work with UNICEF — or just the opposite, as with Richard Gere’s strident advocacy for human rights in Tibet. With a template set by celebrities such as Bono, the latest kind of worldly activism draws as much on access to world leaders as it does on international fame, and Clooney added a new element to the equation: timing...For Clooney’s cause, the worst thing that could have happened would have been his walking out of the White House meetings with nothing to say.


Theatre for All

Philippine global observance of World Theatre Day is held today, March 26, where countries in all continents are joined together in continuum for 24 hours through performances, exhibitions, workshops, dialogues, broadcasts theatre demonstrating the importance of culture and development.


To Rebuild U.S.-Muslim World Relations, Obama Is Not Enough

To Rebuild U.S.-Muslim World Relations, Obama Is Not Enough


New Mexico’s Death Penalty Repeal as US Soft Power Asset

On March 18, 2009, New Mexico Governor Bill Richardson signed legislation overturning the state’s longstanding death penalty. The “Land of Enchantment”, as the state calls itself, joined fourteen other US states that ban capital punishment and became only the second to do so since the end of a four-year national execution hiatus in 1976.


Push to Sell French Culture

PARIS - FRANCE on Wednesday launched a drive to sell its culture abroad with a new French Institute modeled after Germany's Goethe Institute or the British Council. The 'Institut Francais' will showcase French cultural products and promote the French language in cities worldwide, replacing the myriad of cultural centres that have mushroomed over the years. The Alliance Francaise, which offers language courses, will remain, but Culture France, which promotes cultural events, will be scrapped.


Bell Pottinger Hired to Boost Argentina

Bell Pottinger Sans Frontieres will manage a nation-branding campaign to boost the impact of government tourism and exp­ort campaigns. Argentina is also keen to drive inward investment. The brief is thought to be worth close to seven figures. One of Bell Pottinger’s first tasks will be to manage the country’s communications on the G20 meeting of world leaders in London in early April.



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