A curated selection of public diplomacy-relevant news from a global cross-section of English-language media outlets, including independent, corporate-owned, and state-sponsored sources. The stories featured don't necessarily represent CPD's views nor have they been verified by CPD.

Soft Power, Hard Choices

Chinese soft power - getting its way through persuasion rather than carrots and sticks - has a long way to go, especially in Australia. To Beijing's frustration, the harder it tries to engage and impress the world - $US40 billion ($56 billion) spent on the Olympics - the more threatening China appears.


Another Ad on the Wall

A venture by a Dutch organization allows Internet users around the world to get their personal message on the Palestinian side of the barrier, part of which is a concrete gray wall, for €30 per missive.


Turkish Hopes High for Obama’s Visit

President Obama visits Turkey this weekend on his first overseas trip as U.S. president, and he sets a milestone by doing so: other U.S. presidents have always visited Ankara much later in their terms of office. This isn't a coincidence or a tiny detail. It represents a significant shift in fundamental foreign policy priorities under the new U.S. administration.


NATO in 2020: More Embedded, Transformed and Enlarged

NATO’s role as a forum for political debate should be expanded. Given the growing diversity of challenges, the NATO response will not be automatic but will require informed debate...NATO has to succeed in Afghanistan as the outcome of the ISAF mission will have an impact on how NATO is perceived by the rest of the world.


Former Secretary of State Madeleine Albright’s Pin Collection Exhibited for First Time

“Secretary Albright’s approach to collecting focuses on the communicative value of jewelry, which often transcends its material worth,” said Holly Hotchner, the Museum’s Nanette L. Laitman Director. “The pins in this exhibition have all been used as non-traditional tools for political negotiation and personal expression."


Obama in Turkey: Enticing Ankara Westward

Although the Obama visit has plenty of public diplomacy appeal, including a proposed town-hall-style meeting, the president will encounter one particularly sensitive subject, the Armenian question, during the visit.


Haifa High Schoolers Boost Israel’s Image in U.S.

Twenty-three 10th grade students from the Hebrew Reali School in Haifa joined Israel’s public diplomacy efforts last week as part of the “Young Ambassadors” program...The goal of the program, unique to the Reali School, is to train a new generation of ambassadors who, because of their youth, can speak as equals to their peers as well as to adults. Students participating in the program go through preparatory exercises—including media workshops, public speaking, and English.


Korean Culture Exchange

The distinctive character of Korean culture lies in the fact that throughout its 5000 year long history, it developed in harmony with nature and remained in close relation to people's everyday lives. Therein lies the focus of the Culture Department's attention; to offer cultural programs through which people can experience Korean culture as a part of their everyday lives. In the future, the Culture Department wants to develop enhanced cultural initiatives, which will enable a direct experiencing of Korean culture.



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