A curated selection of public diplomacy-relevant news from a global cross-section of English-language media outlets, including independent, corporate-owned, and state-sponsored sources. The stories featured don't necessarily represent CPD's views nor have they been verified by CPD.

Cuba’s Fidel Castro Welcomes U.S. Congress Visit To Havana

Former Cuban leader Fidel Castro said he "valued the gesture" by members of U.S. congress, who are currently in Havana on a five-day visit to explore ways of improving bilateral ties. The seven-member delegation, headed by Democrat Representative Barbara Lee, arrived in Cuba on Friday, met with current Cuban President Raul Castro, Foreign Minister Bruno Rodriguez and parliamentarian Ricardo Alarcon to review trade and cultural relations between Washington and Havana which are subject to a 49-year-old trade embargo


In Turkey, Obama Reaches Out to Muslim World

President Obama made his most direct outreach to Muslims around the world Monday, telling Turkey's Grand National Assembly that the United States "is not and never will be at war with Islam."


India’s Youth Vote Rises From Ashes Of Mumbai Attacks

Before the November terrorist attacks on this city left three of his friends dead, Kaizad Bhamgara, 19, spent his evenings jamming with his hipster goth-rock band or chilling on the wave-sprayed boulders along the high-rise-ringed shoreline. But the pain of his loss and his frustration over the ineptitude of the government's response to the attacks moved Bhamgara to put down his drumsticks and pick up his laptop.


U.S. Envoy Holds Key Pakistan Talks

Visiting US special envoy for Pakistan, Richard Holbrooke, has held key talks with President Asif Ali Zardari and Prime Minister Yusuf Raza Gilani. The talks were said to be focusing on the new US regional strategy to confront the Taleban and al-Qaeda. Associated Press quoted a presidential statement as saying Mr Zardari had asked for "unconditional support" in his battle with militants.


Clarifying ‘Science Diplomacy’ Crucial

Although the phrase "science and technology diplomacy" has lately become a buzzword for policymakers, there is still no clear or agreed upon view of what exactly this term means. Yet this has not stopped officials jumping on the bandwagon in a bid for a share of the nation's budget.


Russian Culture Weeks Starts in Turkmenistan

A Week of Russian Culture started in Turkmenistan on Apr. 6. The program includes presentations of the Bolshoi Theater, the Academic Philharmonic, Moscow Opera House, Orchestra of Russian Folk Instruments, Obraztsov Puppet Theater, Russian films and exhibitions. The Week of Turkmen Culture will take place in Russia in 2010.


US Mailed Fist Gets Velvet on Obama’s European Trip

With natural flair and charisma, US President Barack Obama was the personification of soft power as he appealed to the historic sensibilities of his European hosts in an attempt to underwrite US military missions abroad. It’s rather uncanny how American presidents, whenever they pay a visit to the enchanted, Old World, can stir up so much public enthusiasm on the cobbled town squares simply by uttering a phrase or two in the native tongue.


State Department Embraces New Media Tools

But is online outreach good for diplomacy? Some, like author and Web 2.0 consultant Rob Salkowitz, doubt the ultimate advantages of this approach. "Diplomacy isn't all about conversation and mutual understanding," said Salkowitz. "Used correctly, it is the method states use to unite their allies and divide their enemies in order to forward their national interests. It is communication with a purpose, and the purpose comes first."



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