A curated selection of public diplomacy-relevant news from a global cross-section of English-language media outlets, including independent, corporate-owned, and state-sponsored sources. The stories featured don't necessarily represent CPD's views nor have they been verified by CPD.

Romania Blamed Over Moldova Riots

Moldova's president has accused neighbouring Romania of stoking the protests that erupted into violence in the capital Chisinau on Tuesday. Romania has rejected the accusation as a "provocation".


Let Clean Water Flow

The new US administration’s desire the re-engage with the world and place a renewed emphasis on US soft power has galvanized the activities of interests in Washington that would like to make the commitment to developing water resources a cornerstone of US foreign policy.


The U.S. Puts Turkey on Center Stage

The arrival of United States President Obama in Ankara on Sunday signaled the growing importance of Turkey for US foreign-policy interests. The country, which has proved something of an enigma to the US over the past five years, is now taking center stage as the potential key to unlocking the issues which will define Obama's presidency overseas, Iraq, Iran, Afghanistan and Israel and Palestine.


Can 2010 Save SA From Jobs Bloodbath? - Part 2

Dr Nikolaus Eberl revisits 2010 and looks at how Australia maximised the branding and marketing opportunities afforded by their hosting of the Olympic Games. In the first part of this series, on 3 April, I wrote… “According to the recent edition of the Sunday Times, South Africa is heading for a jobs bloodbath, as local economists are predicting severe losses of employment in 2009, especially in the automotive and mining sectors.


Pakistan Urges $30 Billion Marshall Plan to Stabilize Border Region

Pakistan has called for a $ 30 billion Marshall Plan to bolster socio-economic development of people as a way to wipe out al-Qaeda threat in the Pak-Afghan border region and help win hearts and minds of the local population.


Indian culture fest in Kuwait on the way

Cultural diplomacy was in full flow here, as India and Kuwait Tuesday signed three agreements to promote a two-way traffic of their scholars, artists, scientists and researchers with Indian Vice-President Hamid Ansari waxing eloquent about the fabled aquarium and traditional Kuwaiti handicrafts.


Public Diplomacy against extremism

The Netherlands is to make more active use of public diplomacy to combat extremism in the Muslim world and elsewhere. Also, a survey will be carried out in 15 countries on the image of the Netherlands, according to Foreign Minister Maxime Verhagen.


U.S.-Cuba Policy Could Take Center Stage at Americas Summit

The White House advisor to the upcoming Summit of the Americas on Monday confirmed President Barack Obama's intention to ease family travel and remittances to Cuba in coming days and wouldn't rule out a meeting between Obama and Venezuelan President Hugo Chávez. Even as he acknowledged the widespread interest in Cuba and increased pressure to fully lift the U.S. economic embargo, advisor Jeffrey S. Davidow stressed the administration's hope the communist-ruled nation would not dominate next week's gathering of the 34 hemispheric leaders.



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