A curated selection of public diplomacy-relevant news from a global cross-section of English-language media outlets, including independent, corporate-owned, and state-sponsored sources. The stories featured don't necessarily represent CPD's views nor have they been verified by CPD.

Kathakali dancers to perform Chinese play

In a unique show of harmony, a troupe of Kathakali dancers from Kerala will perform the classical Chinese play Liang Shanbo Zhu Yingtai (Butterfly Lovers) in Beijing on Wednesday. The event also includes Chinese models in a fashion parade showcasing Indian garments.


‘A Very Good Week’ in Europe for President Obama

Charles A. Kupchan, CFR's Europe expert, says that President Barack Obama's trip to Europe "went as well as could be expected" in light of some of the policy differences that became clear ahead of his departure. He said Obama put particular emphasis on public diplomacy to win over the broad publics in Europe to the importance of a better relationship with the United States. And he says Obama avoided raising issues like Georgia with the Russians to pave the way to a better relationship in the future.


Romanian Foreign Ministry carries out communication and public diplomacy campaign

The Romanian Foreign Ministry (MAE) will be celebrating the 60th anniversary of NATO and the 5th anniversary of Romania's NATO membership through a communication and public diplomacy campaign that will span the entire 2009, MAE reports in a press release issued on Saturday.


What Does the New Tech Guru at the State Department Mean for Public Diplomacy?

It has long been the responsibility and mandate of America’s public diplomacy bureau, or “R” in State Department bureaucratic shorthand, to promote human rights, democracy, development and to be a critical component of smart power. In fact, what we now know as public diplomacy was institutionalized and funded to promote vibrant democracies, foster development, and be a necessary non-military tool in a global conflict.


Smart Power Meets Star Power: Hillary Clinton in Mexico

Secretary of State Hillary Clinton’s recent trip to Mexico (March 25-26) demonstrated, once again, the power of public diplomacy. The trip was a tour de force (with only one minor mishap) that opened a window of opportunity in a bilateral relationship that had become badly damaged.


SUNSHINE Awards Organization

The Sunshine Awards organization is engaged in talks with the Trinidad and Tobago Uganda Cultural Association (TTUCA) in Uganda to stage the 21st Annual Sunshine Awards in Uganda as an Independence gift to the Government and people of Uganda, to mark the 47th Anniversary of Independence...Mr. Figaro said “One of the core values of the SUNSHINE Awards organization to promote goodwill and cultural diplomacy and if we are to stage the Sunshine Awards in Africa as a first, Uganda is the most appropriate place.


NATO Increases Video Presence With Online and Broadcast Distribution

"NATO Public Diplomacy Division has developed a comprehensive strategy to engage with young audiences and increase their information and knowledge about NATO's commitments. Together with our Internet TV (www.natochannel.tv) and the NATO website (www.nato.int), this new channel will enable us to further extend the reach of our video globally," said Jean François Bureau, NATO Assistant Secretary General for Public Diplomacy.


The Business of Brand America

Private businesses and their products have always played a pivotal role in shaping America’s image abroad, from the darkest days of the Cold War, when Hollywood films sold American ideas across the globe, to the era of globalization symbolized by Mcdonald’s ubiquitous arches.



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