A curated selection of public diplomacy-relevant news from a global cross-section of English-language media outlets, including independent, corporate-owned, and state-sponsored sources. The stories featured don't necessarily represent CPD's views nor have they been verified by CPD.

Chinese Muslims Join Global Islamic Market

As the local government strives to forge new economic ties with Middle Eastern and other Muslim nations, citizens of this impoverished part of China bordering the Gobi Desert are rediscovering Islam. Emerging from centuries of religious isolation, Ningxia Muslims are developing "an international sense of community," says Ma Ping, head of the Institute of the Hui and Islam here.


BBC World Service to launch radio venture with Deutsche Welle

BBC World Service and Deutsche Welle, the German international broadcaster, have teamed up to launch a joint digital radio service aimed at 170m Western and Central European radio listeners. The new stream, which will be entirely in English, is expected to go live in early 2009. The service will be available from early morning till late at night targeting Western and Central Europe and a potential audience of 170m listeners with global news and current affairs and a rich mix of in-depth analysis, documentaries and cultural programmes.


The future of U.S. - EU relations

Klaus Neumann, former German Army general and retired chairman of the NATO Military Committee wrote in a piece published for the Daily Times in Pakistan that the relationship has suffered over the last eight years of the Bush administration because “too many different perceptions and gaps in capabilities lead to different approaches on global problems.” He said Europe holds the United States responsible for the negative perception the world now has of the West, which is leading to strained relations, and ones which Neumann says need to be reevaluated...The challenge, according to Neumann is


James K Glassman: America knows that bullets alone will not win this war

Public diplomacy is, very simply, diplomacy aimed at publics, as opposed to officials. While some people associate it with marketing -- with building a national brand -- the truth is that public diplomacy, like official diplomacy and like military action, has as its mission the achievement of the national interest. Public diplomacy performs this mission by understanding, informing, engaging, and persuading foreign publics. … There is now a broad consensus in Washington that public diplomacy is essential to defeating the violent extremist threat, to promoting freedom and social justice.


International Affairs Council Announces Citizen of the World Event Co-Chairs

The 2008 Citizen of the World Dinner will be held Thursday, Oct. 16 from 6-9 p.m. at Brier Creek Country Club located at 9400 Club Hill Drive. The International Affairs Council has given the Citizen of the World Award annually since 1995 to honor the North Carolinian who, in the eyes of the selection committee, has done the most for the internationalization of the state. For more information on the event, please visit www.iacnc.org.


Jorma Ollila to create a country brand for Finland

Foreign Minister Alexander Stubb has appointed a high-level delegation to lead efforts to develop a country brand for Finland. Jorma Ollila, Chairman of the Board of Directors of Royal Dutch Shell plc and Nokia Corporation, has been invited to chair the delegation. The delegation is charged with the creation of a country brand for Finland, i.e. to create a strong national image that will enhance Finland’s international competitiveness.


Turkey’s Soft Power Shift

Turkey has in recent times increased its presence as a major regional and global player on the diplomatic front. ‘Today’s Zaman,’ Turkey’s English-language newspaper, outlined today some of the initiatives that Turkey has been working towards, including the enhancement of “political dialogue with Iran, and development of deeper relations with the Gulf Arab states.”...Turkey’s previously military regional focus and presence is now in the political and diplomatic front.


Ukrainians’ Opinions About Other Countries

Proximity rules in Ukrainians' feelings toward other countries, leaving the U.S. low in popularity rankings...The middle tier of favorability comprises European neighbors to the west-Germany, Poland and Great Britain-with Poland threatening to overtake Germany's historical spot as the third-most favored country. This may reflect active Polish support for Ukraine's efforts to join the Western alliances and Warsaw's defense of Ukrainian interests within the European Union.



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