A curated selection of public diplomacy-relevant news from a global cross-section of English-language media outlets, including independent, corporate-owned, and state-sponsored sources. The stories featured don't necessarily represent CPD's views nor have they been verified by CPD.

Soft Power: Exporting Canadian Jurisprudence

The NYT’s Adam Liptak has an interesting article on the declining influence of American Supreme Court decisions around the world — and the rising influence of the Supreme Court of Canada. From 1996 to 2000, Canadian opinions were cited twice as often as American ones in New Zealand, for example


Brazil Buoyed by Oil and Agriculture Becomes a Global Power

With its new economic clout, Brazil is edging out onto the world stage. It midwifed this year a process of economic integration among South American nations, and it is leading efforts to create a South American Defense Council. Lula is traveling the world, and Brasilia is stepping up foreign aid. "Lula is seen as a balancer for the region," says an official in Brasilia.


Haemorrhaging of western influence at UN wrecks attempts to push human rights agenda

The west's efforts to use the United Nations to promote its values and shape the global agenda are failing, according to a detailed study published yesterday.


YEH HUM NAHEEN: Say No To Terrorism

Music has long been used to draw attention to global issues. Countless, well-meaning artists have tried to change the world for the better...In today's Global Hit, The World's Alex Gallafent tells us about the latest such venture. It involves a song that is a big hit right now in Pakistan. The song is called Yeh Hum Naheen. In Urdu that means 'this is not us'. The message is simple: We are Muslims. We are NOT extremists.


Main Points of Netherlands’ Foreign Affairs Budget

To improve relations between the West and the Islamic world, more work will be done with public diplomacy and intercultural dialogue. But the stimulating of developments in the Islamic world itself can also contribute to improved relations.


Supreme Court’s Global Influence Is Waning

Judges around the world have long looked to the decisions of the United States Supreme Court for guidance, citing and often following them in hundreds of their own rulings since the Second World War. But now American legal influence is waning. Even as a debate continues in the court over whether its decisions should ever cite foreign law, a diminishing number of foreign courts seem to pay attention to the writings of American justices.


Out Of Uniform - A Colossal Misjudgment In The Ministry Of External Affairs

The story of this injection of military personnel into the public arena of Indian diplomacy goes back to 2006, when South Block’s leadership decided, in its wisdom, to ape America’s example and create a division for public diplomacy...It has merely duplicated the work of the Indian Council for Cultural Relations and the Indian Council for World Affairs. There is not a single thing that the public diplomacy division has yet done, which could not have been planned or executed by either the ICCR or the ICWA.


U.S. image abroad

The World's Matthew Bell reports on the state of America's image abroad. The nation's reputation has taken a number of hits over the past few years. The current financial crisis on Wall Street may be yet another.



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