A curated selection of public diplomacy-relevant news from a global cross-section of English-language media outlets, including independent, corporate-owned, and state-sponsored sources. The stories featured don't necessarily represent CPD's views nor have they been verified by CPD.

Singapore Counts on F-1 Night Race to Brighten Economic Gloom

Hosting major sports events is part of Singapore's strategy to diversify the economy from its traditional manufacturing base and to attract tourists, economists say. The F-1 effect will be felt over years and won't be measured by the experience of this weekend's race alone...Singapore, girding for a possible recession, is paying about $200 million over five years for the rights to host the event, tapping the glitz of the world's most-watched motor races to promote itself as something more than a financial hub.


Japan to celebrate colours of India Sep 27-28

Japan will come alive to the sounds and flavours of India Sep 27-28 in a cultural event, 'Namaste India', in the heart of Tokyo. It will be organised by the India Centre Foundation...“The India Centre Foundation, founded in 1996 as a non-profit organisation, has been a catalyst in strengthening India-Japanese relation by building bridges at a socio-economic level, and 'Namaste India' is an attempt to celebrate India in Japan,” chairman of the foundation Vaibhav Kant Upadhyay told IANS over telephone from Tokyo.


Answers to FAQs about “Getting the People Part Right”

To begin with, we have to start with the basic construct that undergirds the Foreign Service personnel system, and that is the “generalist” construct. The system seeks to bring in “generalists” who will, over the course of a 25- or 30-year career, be able to serve effectively in a number of geographic regions and in a number of functions.


Chinese dissident tipped to win Nobel peace prize

This year's Nobel peace prize could be awarded to a Chinese dissident to highlight China's human rights record in the wake of the Olympic Games, according to experts who closely follow the workings of the award. Experts said the Norwegian Nobel committee, the secretive five-strong body that awards the prize yearly, would see the passing of the Olympic Games as an opportunity to highlight China's human rights record, especially in a year marking the 60th anniversary of the universal declaration of human rights.


Report Seeks Engagement With Muslims by Diplomacy

After 18 months spent examining the deteriorating relations between the United States and the Muslim world during the Bush administration, a diverse group of American leaders will release a report in Washington on Wednesday calling for an overhaul of American strategy to reverse the spread of terrorism and extremism.


Brownback Introduces Public Diplomacy Legislation

U.S. Senator Sam Brownback today introduced legislation that would establish the National Center for Strategic Communications, an agency similar to the now defunct U.S. Information Agency...In addition to establishing a new public diplomacy agency, Brownback's proposal would abolish the existing Undersecretary for Public Diplomacy at the State Department and the Broadcasting Board of Governors.


‘Maoist’ Chavez Nurtures Venezuelan Ties with China on Visit

Venezuelan leader Hugo Chavez arrived in China on a three-day state visit Tuesday, declaring himself a "Maoist" moments after touching down and touting what he said was China's support for a strategy to end U.S. domination of world affairs.


Senior Diplomats In Short Supply

The Foreign Service needs more senior public diplomacy officers, a top State Department official told a congressional panel on Tuesday."On the public diplomacy side, there is some positive news, but it's a grim picture overall," Amb. Scott DeLisi, director of career development and assignments in State's Bureau of Human Resources, said before a Senate Homeland Security and Governmental Affairs subcommittee.



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