A curated selection of public diplomacy-relevant news from a global cross-section of English-language media outlets, including independent, corporate-owned, and state-sponsored sources. The stories featured don't necessarily represent CPD's views nor have they been verified by CPD.

Romania: The MFA promotes Romania in Italy through the public diplomacy campaign “Piazza di Romania”

The Ministry of Foreign Affairs, together with MSMECTLP, will organize between 28th September – 9th October, a public diplomacy campaign in Italy, in order to prove that there are more things linking the Italians to the Romanians and less those that seem to separate them. The campaign takes place under the slogan "Romania: un mondo da scoprire" ("Romania: a world to discover")...The project started in April 2008, through the trial of identifying solutions to the image problems with which the Romanian community from Italy is confronted.


Assistance in Cultural Field

Delegation of the Chinese Association of Friendship with Foreign Countries, headed by its president Chen Haosu, ended its visit to Montenegro, arranged by the Friendship Society between China and Montenegro. During this return visit, Chinese delegation met with numerous high representatives of Montenegrin political and economical authorities. During these meetings, Chinese side promised support on the political level for further development of cooperation between two countries, in the cultural and economic fields.


A Foreign Affairs Budget for the Future

The new Administration will face multiple, critical foreign challenges with inadequate diplomatic personnel and resources to carry out policy effectively. This report presents detailed recommendations tied to specific analysis for "A Foreign Affairs Budget for the Future." This study is intended to provide solutions for and stimulate a needed conversation about the urgent need to provide the necessary funding for our nation's foreign policies.


Positive Stereotypes

Prejudices and stereotypes are obvious hurdles to intercultural understanding; dispelling them, a basic objective of much diplomatic activity. However, when we think of ‘stereotypes’, we tend to think of overtly negative assumptions. An example might be an opinion that ‘all English tourists are drunken and promiscuous’: it is not hard to understand why this impression is unhelpful in efforts to foster goodwill between English citizens and others.


Branding Key Initiative to Give Country Competitive Edge

Branding has been named by Jamaica Trade and Invest (JTI) President, Robert Gregory, as one of the key initiatives, which can give Jamaica a competitive edge in the global marketplace. A strong national brand, Mr. Gregory argued, would go a far way in positioning the country as an ideal destination for investments.


Olympics boosts Chinese language promotion

The OCLCI's Zhao said Confucius Institutes worldwide had helped to offer Chinese lessons to athletes attending the Games.


Hearing Assesses State of Public Diplomacy

At a Congressional hearing last week, a senior U.S. Senator described U.S. public diplomacy as being 'arguably at its lowest point in history.' To address that problem, a former Member of Congress testified that what is needed is 'a Marshall Plan for international exchange'. [membership required]


Guardians of our national reputation

The reality is quote the reverse: we Finns pay far too little heed to what others think of us. We are arrogant and pathologically self-assured, and we imagine that others admire our northern plot of land as much as we do ourselves. Fortunately the Finnish government has finally understood that it is not possible to get very far with such an attitude. Minister for Foreign Affairs Alexander Stubb appointed a working group last week to think about a Finnish national brand - that is, the image, or reputation of the country.



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