A curated selection of public diplomacy-relevant news from a global cross-section of English-language media outlets, including independent, corporate-owned, and state-sponsored sources. The stories featured don't necessarily represent CPD's views nor have they been verified by CPD.

Public Diplomacy and its role in the EU’s external relations

Public diplomacy as a concept is not new, as many commentators constantly remind us. What is new is that despite residual scepticism by many 'classical' diplomats, public diplomacy is now broadly accepted as an essential arm of external relations. It is evolving rapidly in a world where the communication technology revolution has completely transformed how information is transmitted and who has access to it. The real technological leap is that one individual today can do mass communication. Just think of the importance of blogs. And the use “You tube” in your Presidential elections.


Siege Diplomacy

The announcement last week that the United States will relocate its London embassy from Grosvenor Square, in the heart of the British capital, to an out-of-the-way spot south of the River Thames may be good news for property developers, but should concern almost everyone else. The London move is the latest and most dramatic example of a worrying trend toward vastly scaling down American public diplomacy abroad, abandoning embassies that were once beacons of American culture and openness in favour of walled suburban fortresses.


Aspen Cultural Diplomacy Forum

Announcing the Aspen Cultural Diplomacy Forum. Join us at the inaugural Aspen Cultural Diplomacy Forum sponsored by The Aspen Institute, the Arts Arena, and the Institut Aspen France. The independent, multidisciplinary, and action-oriented worldwide convening will be in Paris, France, November 13 – 15, 2008.


National Presidents’ Initiative Proposed to Address Global Diplomacy

To dramatically improve international relations throughout the world, the U.S. Center for Citizen Diplomacy (U.S. Center) announced today a National Presidents' Initiative for Citizen Diplomacy. The National Presidents' Initiative was launched as a result of discussions by 40 U.S. leaders, associated with more than 90 organizations in international affairs, who attended a Leadership Forum on Citizen Diplomacy. A National Presidents' Initiative Steering Committee plans to meet with members of the U.S.


Spielberg leaves Paramount Pictures for Indian joint venture

"The 50-50 joint venture, which will target global audiences, will be launched by January 2009 and will produce 30 to 35 films over the next five years, the source said, valuing the deal at 1.5 billion dollars...The tie-up with Spielberg, the highest-grossing film director ever, raises the Mumbai-based telecommunications-to-energy group's global profile in the entertainment industry, into which it has been muscling at high speed.


The Fall of America, Inc.

The American brand is being sorely tested at a time when other models -- whether China's or Russia's -- are looking more and more attractive. Restoring our good name and reviving the appeal of our brand is in many ways as great a challenge as stabilizing the financial sector. Good branding is not, to quote a presidential candidate, a matter of putting lipstick on a pig. It's about having the right product to sell in the first place. American democracy has its work cut out for it.


U.S. Shelves Plan for Office in Iran, AP reports

While the administration has given up on opening the interest section in its waning months in office, it has gone ahead with promoting unofficial contacts with Iran. Late last month, the Treasury Department gave special permission to the private American-Iranian Council to open an office in Tehran. The office plans to promote educational and cultural exchanges by hosting round-table discussions and conferences.


Policy report urges broad-based US-Pak ties, cautions on unilateral actions

The United States should forge a broad-based relationship with Pakistan, support its democratic and economic development, bolster its counterterrorism capability and help foster peace in the region by reducing tensions fueling extremism, American experts urged Thursday in a report recommending policy priorities toward Pakistan. The report calls upon the U.S. to “develop, invest in, and implement a far-reaching public diplomacy program that emphasizes common U.S.



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