A curated selection of public diplomacy-relevant news from a global cross-section of English-language media outlets, including independent, corporate-owned, and state-sponsored sources. The stories featured don't necessarily represent CPD's views nor have they been verified by CPD.

BBC Keeps Radio Broadcasts to Russia

Unlike the Voice of America (VOA), which had eliminated radio broadcasts to Russia shortly before the Russian invasion of Georgia, the BBC has decided to continue producing Russian-language radio programs while also expanding its Internet and video production.


More Money For Culture And Public Diplomacy Abroad

"Funding for foreign cultural policy and public diplomacy is intended to underpin Norway's political priorities and interests. Cooperating with cultural organisations and art communities abroad is key in this context," Foreign Minister Jonas Gahr Stoere commented.


Former Envoys Decry Arts Cuts

Former Canadian ambassadors have come out swinging at the Conservative government's decision to cut funds to arts and cultural programs that helped artists promote their work, and the country, abroad. And while opposition parties say they want to make sure the issue figures prominently in the election, the ambassadors argue the cuts are another blow to Canada's fledgling public diplomacy efforts.


Saving Pakistan

Pakistan will have to be near the top of the foreign policy to-do list of whoever succeeds President Bush. The United States cannot afford to see this nuclear-armed state fail. But how to prevent it?... Implement a robust public diplomacy program that stresses mutual United States-Pakistani interests in combating extremism and creating prosperity.


VOA Teams Up with Pakistan TV On Special Debate Coverage

VOA has announced that it has teamed up to produce live coverage and interactive analyses of U.S. presidential debates with Pakistan Television Network (PTV) .


Boiling Point in Bolivia

While America's foreign-policy debate centers on the Middle East and Russia, unrest is mounting in South America. Bolivia is teetering on the brink of conflict, threatening to destabilize a region much closer to home and further damage our troubled economy.


Foreign Affairs Budget of the Future: Fixing a Hollow Service

Although America faces many complex foreign policy challenges, several recent studies have found that the US State Department, USAID, and the Foreign Service do not have the human and financial resources to appropriately respond to them...To address this, the American Academy of Diplomacy has undertaken a major study that will build upon the findings of previous reports to detail exactly what budget is needed to enable the State Department and the Foreign Service to accomplish their missions in classic diplomacy, public diplomacy, development diplomacy, and reconstruction and stabilization.


Posing The Moral Questions Facing The Next American President

In the hope that it's not too late to raise the level of a public discussion too often conducted in sound bites, here are some urgent moral questions to be pressed on those who would lead us....What role does distorted religious conviction play in creating the dangers we face from terrorists? How can American public diplomacy address those convictions?



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