A curated selection of public diplomacy-relevant news from a global cross-section of English-language media outlets, including independent, corporate-owned, and state-sponsored sources. The stories featured don't necessarily represent CPD's views nor have they been verified by CPD.

German-Russian Dialogue Forum Meets Under Caucasus Cloud

In such times, according to Suslow, civilian dialogue is even more necessary given that government contacts can become strained. "The civilian dialogue -- between entrepreneurs, scientists, journalists, human rights activists -- makes it possible for both sides to come closer together from their different positions, because these difficulties are talked about in detail on several levels," said Suslow. "Without this non-political dialogue Russia cannot be understood in Europe.


TT, China ties grow stronger

Bilateral relations between China and Trinidad and Tobago are to strengthen in the future, Chinese Ambassador Huang Xing has assured this country. China and Trinidad and Tobago continue to cooperate in areas of the economy, trade, culture and “people to people contact”, Xing said at a reception for the 59th anniversary of the founding of the People’s Republic of China at Hilton Trinidad, St Ann’s on Sunday night.


My 2 Cents on the Brownback bill: Initial Language and Justifications

Senator Brownback’s latest piece of legislation, “the Strategic Communication Act of 2008” is a landmark proposal to reform U.S. public diplomacy efforts at the institutional level – by creating a new National Strategic Communication Center that fuses the responsibilities of the Broadcast Board of Governors with the public diplomacy functions managed by the State Department. There is a lot to digest in the bill’s language, in terms of language, strategy, institutional dynamics and policy implications.


BBC Director-General Visits Kenyan Public Broadcaster

Kenya's broadcasting organization, KBC, today hosted the director- general of the BBC, Mark Thompson, who spoke about how BBC has succeeded in attracting fans all over the world..."The way people use media is changing. Once the BBC could reach millions of Kenyans just with short-wave radio.


VOA Restructures Bosnian, Hindi, Serbian, Macedonian, Russian Broadcasts

The Voice of America (VOA) is ceasing radio broadcasts in Hindi, Bosnian, Serbian, and Macedonian on September 30, 2008, using available resources to reach audiences in those markets through television and the Internet. VOA also is discontinuing its 30-minute Russian weekly television program and will deliver text, audio, and video content to Russia's fast-growing Internet market. VOA will be accessible through digital devices, including mobile Internet devices, cell phones that receive text and multi-media messages, and MP3 players. VOA's Russian radio broadcasts ended in July 2008.


Korea Lacks Consistent Image Plan

Donovan Neale-May, Executive Director of the Chief Marketing Officer Council (CMO Council) visited Korea to speak at Seoul National University (SNU) on nation branding, an event jointly hosted by the Ministry of Knowledge Economy and SNU last week. Regarding to the resources which brand Korea could exploit, he said he saw "a singular identity'' for the country that no one had yet come to use...He saw the current myriad of campaigns by local, regional and national governments counteractive and only adding to confusion.


Namaste India concludes in Tokyo

India Tourism, Tokyo, Union Ministry of Tourism, co-sponsored “Namaste India” in Tokyo from 27th September to 28th September 2008. It is a concept which started as a small event showcasing India in Japan but has over the years grown into a mega-carnival that celebrates the very best of India in the heart of Japan. Namaste India is a window to Indian culture and economy for the Japanese people - and is today one of the largest Indian festivals held overseas which celebrates Indian diversity and uniqueness through a vivid display of our culture, cuisine, entertainment and business.


Public diplomacy urged in S. Korea relations

South Korean President Lee Myung-bak’s administration and U.S. leaders must emphasize public diplomacy efforts to curtail anti-alliance sentiments and maintain regional stability, a host of diplomats and academics said Saturday.



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