A curated selection of public diplomacy-relevant news from a global cross-section of English-language media outlets, including independent, corporate-owned, and state-sponsored sources. The stories featured don't necessarily represent CPD's views nor have they been verified by CPD.

Key Question Lingers: Who Started The War In Georgia?

Finding the answer is not merely an academic or historical exercise. Russian observers say the answer is critical to current global perceptions of a resurgent Russia. Is it a rational – if increasingly assertive – regional power protecting its flanks? Or is it reviving the international ambitions and military expansionism of the former USSR?


Next U.S. Leader Must Revamp Pak Policy

As Pakistan intensifies action against extremists, an experts report says the next US President must revamp policy toward its ally, mixing deft diplomacy, security support and economic aid to help the country defeat a grave threat from extremists.


Taiwan Must Not Use China’s News Standards

The decision of state-run Radio Taiwan International Chairman Cheng You, RTI President Shao Li-chung, RTI Deputy President Chang Cheng-lin and two board directors to resign Tuesday has cast a dark shadow over the commitment of the restored Chinese Nationalist party (Kuomintang) government to maintaining full news freedom in Taiwan.


U.S. To Fund Pro-American Publicity In Iraqi Media

The Defense Department will pay private U.S. contractors in Iraq up to $300 million over the next three years to produce news stories, entertainment programs and public service advertisements for the Iraqi media in an effort to "engage and inspire" the local population to support U.S. objectives and the Iraqi government.


Egyptians Challenge BBC Al-Qaida Poll Result

The financial crisis sweeping through the United States may have temporarily shifted the focus away from the so-called war on terrorism, however, it remains a centerpiece of Washington's foreign policy.A recent study conducted for the BBC revealed a stark truth about the Middle East: al-Qaida's popularity appears to be growing.


Lawmakers Call for Cultivating ‘Soft Power’

A group of 30 lawmakers called for the creation of a presidential design committee Thursday to help strengthen the country's competitiveness. The lawmakers are scheduled to submit a bill to the National Assembly soon to join a "soft power'' initiative, Rep. Nam Kyung-pil of the governing Grand National Party (GNP) said.


U.S. grapples with power dive amid financial crisis

It may be too soon to write off U.S. economic clout as Germany's finance minister did last month, but experts say a power realignment is taking place in any event with U.S. credibility and popularity at a low. The notion of America's status as a global superpower has been dented by the financial meltdown but foreign and economic policy experts say U.S. omnipotence had been exaggerated...So-called U.S. objective or "hard power" -- military and economic might -- are unlikely to take an immediate hit as it will take a while for U.S.


Soft power is best sans melamine

Because of globalization, these contaminated products have spread all over the world and this has resulted in an extremely negative view of China’s soft power. Just a few days ago, some people in Taiwan praised the Beijing Olympics as a positive expression of China’s soft power, but the toxic milk powder has become a major international incident affecting public health and has almost completely eclipsed the Beijing Olympics. Soft power is all about “attraction” and culture is not its only element.



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