A curated selection of public diplomacy-relevant news from a global cross-section of English-language media outlets, including independent, corporate-owned, and state-sponsored sources. The stories featured don't necessarily represent CPD's views nor have they been verified by CPD.

Blogger Roundtable with Under Secretary Glassman

The Blogger Roundtable with Under Secretary of State for Public Diplomacy and Public Affairs James Glassman concluded a short time ago. Before getting to the roundtable, I have to say it is nice to have an Under Secretary for Public Diplomacy that actually does what he promotes. From op-eds to intense interviews, this Under Secretary is not afraid of the media or of public engagement.


The MBR School of Communication at AUD kicks off its Academic Events

The Mohammed Bin Rashid School of Communication at The American University in Dubai launched the start of its academic events for the current Fall semester with a lecture entitled, "The Communications Revolution and Public Diplomacy: A Path for Dubai." The lecture was delivered by Dr. Ernest J. Wilson III, Dean and Walther H. Annenberg Chair in Communication, at the University of Southern California; the institution with which AUD is collaborating.


Call to Build Strong Regional Base in Dubai for Global Media

Dubai should continue to build a strong regional base for the global media and tell the world about its success story for others to follow suit through public diplomacy, said Dr. Ernest J. Wilson III, Dean and Walther H. Annenberg Chair in Communication, at the University of Southern California.


Prof Discusses How Ads Can Aid U.S. Diplomacy

“So our hypothesis, and that’s exactly what it is, is can we use the marketing and media savvy of America and leverage that to win hearts and minds overseas? The idea of advertising and public diplomacy, if you will.”


EU chases US to keep its influence in the world

As the globe is encircled in turmoil ranging from trade fights to climate change to wars, European Union leaders are fretting they could be left behind in wielding their vaunted “soft power” as the US continues to eclipse the region in influence, and has decided to do something about it. The EU must close ranks with the United States if the two powers are to keep their global influence during the rise of states like China, India and Russia, EU foreignpolicy chiefs said at an informal meeting in France.


S. Korea Ranked 28th in 1st Global Nation Branding Index

Singapore ranked Number 1 on the first ever nation branding index to include all the countries and territories of the world, launched in Washington, DC today. The United States ranked 34. The East West Nation Branding Index Global 200 includes all 192 members of the United Nations, and eight major non-members and territories, such as Hong Kong, which ranked second, and Taiwan, which ranked fourth. Third place went to Malaysia.


Web boom in English-obsessed Korea

Armed with the world's fastest Internet and an even stronger desire to learn English, South Koreans are using the latest Web resources to master a language that is the economic and emotional focus of their education. On any given day, students ranging from kids learning their alphabet to adults preparing for job interviews sign in on their Internet messengers, fire up their webcams and wait for English teachers to appear -- from faraway continents.


Bloggers’ Conference

There are two things that I wanted to talk abouttoday. One is in keeping with our overall strategy and approach, where we believe that in the modern era public diplomacy doesn't work very well if it’s simply preaching at people. And so we want to be a facilitator, a convener; we want to bring people together. And I think a good example of this approach is something that we just announced at the United Nations two days ago, called the Democracy Video Project.



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