A curated selection of public diplomacy-relevant news from a global cross-section of English-language media outlets, including independent, corporate-owned, and state-sponsored sources. The stories featured don't necessarily represent CPD's views nor have they been verified by CPD.

Media Freedom NGO FreeMediaOnline.org Calls for Saving Voice of America Radio to Georgia

FreeMediaOnline.org, a media freedom NGO, has called for saving the Voice of America (VOA) radio broadcasts to Georgia from cuts by the Broadcasting Board of Governors (BBG) and for immediate restoration of VOA Russian broadcast to preserve the ability of Americans to communicate with Russians in times of crisis and during peacetime.


An Advocate for Science Diplomacy

WHY DOES THE SECRETARY OF STATE NEED A SCIENCE ADVISER? Because science and technology are the drivers of the 21st century’s most successful economies. There are more than six billion of us, and the problems of a crowded planet are everyone’s: food, water, energy, climate change, environmental degradation. Other nations, even those that have lost respect for our culture and politics, still welcome collaboration on scientific and technological issues.


Dashing Dreams: China’s Olympic Track Star Liu Xiang Disappoints

"Liu Xiang is the person who inspired the entire nation about something they never dreamed of," said Dong Jun, former long-time sports commentator for Chinese Central Television CCTV. "Of course, this should be the most important, the heaviest medal of all. ... It is a big blow for China," Dong told ABC News.


China’s Sports Machine Mints Olympic Gold

The sheer range of events where China has won gold is remarkable — from weightlifting and judo and badminton, to diving and swimming. At the 1988 Olympics in Seoul, China won only five gold medals. This time it may win 10 times as many. The U.S. was the overall gold medal winner at the past three Summer Olympics. This time it will finish a very distant second to China.


The Dark Story Behind China’s Gold Medals

Chinese athletes continue to take top honors in the Beijing Olympics, but it isn’t merely the product of talent and training. The Chinese communist regime is a driving force behind the country’s gold medal wins, and evidence reveals that the regime has used its totalitarian rule to divert vast amounts of the nation’s wealth, shown utter disregard for their athletes’ health and have relied heavily on steroid use in order to gain Olympic gold.


China’s Liu Bows Out Without Running Olympic Race

In any other city, at any other stadium, under any other circumstances, Liu Xiang might not have shown up at all. This, however, was far from any old setting. This was the Bird's Nest, the 91,000-seat centerpiece of the Olympics. The Beijing Olympics. And this was a moment, shortly before lunchtime Monday, that Liu's country of 1.3 billion had anticipated for years: China's only track and field superstar — one of China's most recognizable faces period — competing to defend his 110-meter hurdles title at home. And it ended after all of two full strides.


Happiness Can’t Be Faked

The 2008 Olympics has created an illusion of China to the public and to the outside world. It is so fantastic, so unreal, that the entire meaning of the games is being distorted.


Local Win, Global Loss

The recent conflict in the Caucasus proved that Russia is not ready for global competition. Despite its strengthened political position, resurgent military capabilities, and growing economic power, Russia’s leadership has not yet developed effective mechanisms and strategies to win global recognition of its interests and actions. Russia, instead, interpreted and played this conflict at the only level it is currently capable of -- the military level – showing increased frustration toward Western media instead of recognizing it as a decisive component in the crisis.



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