A curated selection of public diplomacy-relevant news from a global cross-section of English-language media outlets, including independent, corporate-owned, and state-sponsored sources. The stories featured don't necessarily represent CPD's views nor have they been verified by CPD.

Pres. Committee for Brand Korea Planned

President Lee Myung-bak announced Friday a plan to establish a committee to raise the country's brand value under the presidential office. In a speech to commemorate the 60th birthday of the Republic of Korea in Seoul, he pledged to "upgrade the national brand to make it on par with that of advanced countries."


IOC Tells China Not to Obstruct Reporters

The International Olympic Committee urged China Thursday to allow foreign reporters at the Beijing Games to report freely after a British journalist trying to cover a protest was allegedly roughed up by police.


Olympics Limit China Iron Ore, Coal Output in July

Iron ore production in China dropped 22 per cent to 63.74 million tonnes in July from a month earlier while raw coal output fell almost 8 per cent month on month due to strict controls on explosives in the run-up to the Olympics.


China Praises Gold Haul as Sign of Its Rise

A haul of Olympic gold by China and other Asian nations shows their growing strength in and out of the sports arena, and Western powers should prepare for more such challenges, Chinese official media said on Thursday.


House Churches Barred From Holding Services Over Olympics Period

A number of house church leaders in China have been forced to sign a written agreement declaring that they will not hold services whilst the Olympic Games take place in Beijing.


China Loves Its Soccer. Its Team? Don’t Ask.

In its quest for sports supremacy, China is placing its hopes for winning the medal count on a panoply of athletes honed to near perfection in sports like gymnastics, diving, rowing, table tennis and hurdling. It has shown its athletic prowess by climbing atop the medals table in the opening days of competition. The nation, though, demands much less of its men’s soccer team.


Russia’s Real Aim Remains Regime Change

This was a not a war Georgia wanted; it had believed that it was slowly gaining ground in South Ossetia through a strategy of soft power. Whatever mistakes Georgia's government made cannot justify Russia's actions. The Kremlin invaded a neighbor, an illegal act of aggression that violates the United Nations Charter and fundamental principles of cooperation and security in Europe.


Kazakhstan’s Brand Leads In Central Asia, and 2nd Within CIS

A new Global Nation branding Index for the Q2 of 2008, that ranks Kazakhstan in 1st position amongst Central Asian nations, 2nd position in the CIS and 40th position on a global basis, is released.
It is quite surprinsingly that Kazakhstan (40-th place in global ranking) is the second country among CIS on number of mentions, which goes after Ukraine which got 37 place in global ranking.



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