A curated selection of public diplomacy-relevant news from a global cross-section of English-language media outlets, including independent, corporate-owned, and state-sponsored sources. The stories featured don't necessarily represent CPD's views nor have they been verified by CPD.

Private sector can play bigger role in public diplomacy

The next U. S. president, whomever he may be, faces a crisis in America’s standing abroad that must be addressed with new ideas and vigor if we are to regain leadership and influence in the world. Both presumptive nominees, Sens. John McCain and Barack Obama, recognize this and have expressed their desire to improve U. S. “public diplomacy” — government-speak for the art of understanding, engaging, and influencing the other 6z billion people in the world.


Let’s get creative with more citizen diplomacy

Restoring America's global image demands the engagement of American citizens in a dramatic expansion of citizen diplomacy, the face-to-face exchange of people, ideas and information around the world. The 9/11 Commission believed in the power of citizen diplomacy and urged the U.S. government to "rebuild the scholarship, exchange and library programs that reach out to young people and offer them knowledge and hope."


Hurdler Liu Xiang Done Without a Run in Olympics

Liu Xiang and the entire nation of China looked forward to this moment for years: The defending Olympic champion lining up to run the 110-meter hurdles at the Beijing Games. He didn't even get to race. Grimacing and rubbing his troublesome right hamstring before getting into his crouch, Liu pulled up lame just steps into the first round of qualifying Monday, leaving the Summer Games' host country without one of its biggest stars — and far and away its biggest star in track and field.


Liu Xiang is a Fighter, Said Athletics Chief

Chinese athletics chief hailed Liu Xiang as a fighter after the defending champion pulled out of the Olympic 110m hurdles first round because of the tendon injury to the right foot on Monday morning.


A Wrong Theme For the Beijing Olympics

"One World, One Dream" as the theme for the Beijing Olympics, though only in words, is as beautiful as the Bird’s Nest Stadium where the ceremony for the world sports was officially opened; but ironically it reflects exactly the opposite of what China portrays in the world. Unless the theme is confined to suit sports only, there is no way one would believe that China could both be a perpetrator of love and peace and at the same time the mentor behind the war and genocide in Darfur.


A Surprise Winner at the Olympic Games in Beijing: NBC

The Beijing Games have become the hottest event of the summer, with numbers that so far have been certifiably big — far beyond the network’s expectations. The Games have drawn an average audience of about 30 million a night on NBC itself, millions more on NBC’s cable channels, 30 million unique visitors to NBC’s Olympics Web site, 6.3 million shared videos from the coverage streamed on the site and an ultimate profit that network executives project will surpass $100 million.


Tumbles No Damage to Veteran Cheng’s Shinning Image

Chinese veteran Cheng Fei remained a heroine in the eyes of spectators and her contenders on Sunday, although she failed to realize China's long-held dream to claim Olympic titles in women's vault and floor exercises.


It’s The Winning, Not The Taking Part That Counts

Many have seen losses by top Chinese sharp shooters as confirmation the enormous pressure put on the Chinese athletes at these Games. They have to succeed, otherwise, to use the old communist phrase, they are consigned to the dustbin of history.



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