A curated selection of public diplomacy-relevant news from a global cross-section of English-language media outlets, including independent, corporate-owned, and state-sponsored sources. The stories featured don't necessarily represent CPD's views nor have they been verified by CPD.

Radio Farda Hits Delicate Balance

Rising Cold-War-style tensions between Iran and the U.S. have ensnared the American-funded Radio Farda -- "Radio Tomorrow" in Farsi. It is a battlefield outside the public eye that's nonetheless generating civilian casualties. But the challenge facing Radio Farda's journalists is that Iranians, stifled by years of government-controlled media, will tune out anything viewed as a form of state propaganda -- whether U.S. or Iranian.


Russia: Irreverent English-Language Tabloid Closes Down

After 11 years of providing Moscow readers with investigative journalism, irreverent commentary, and sophomoric gags, the English-language newspaper the "The eXile" is closing down after investors fled in the face of a government inspection of the paper's content.


Global perceptions of U.S. improves

The prospect of a new president may be helping favorability ratings..."This is the first time there's a little bit of good news about the image of the United States" around the world, says Andrew Kohut, president of the Pew Research Center, which has been surveying global attitudes about the US since 2002.


Radio Free Europe/Radio Liberty: An Effective Tool for Winning Hearts and Minds

For many Americans, the value of RFE/RL is its institutional memory as much as its editorial indepen­dence.


GLOBAL: Civil society demands more partnership with governments

After going into an unscheduled third day, the United Nations High-Level meeting on HIV/AIDS ended on 12 June with civil society groups complaining over the lack of true partnership with governments in the fight against the pandemic.
"Greater involvement of civil society has been identified by the UN as a critical strategy to combat AIDS ... The involvement of civil society in official national delegations must be effective, not just tokenistic," stated a Civil Society Declaration signed by some 100 groups.


Networks face Oly 08 broadcast struggle

The Chinese government's strict security measures could jeopardize the broadcast of the Beijing Olympics to the rest of the world. Broadcasters who have paid billions of US dollars for exclusive rights to televise the games are reportedly furious about endless red tape and unexplained delays.


China casts wider net in crackdowns

In this Olympic year in Beijing, human rights are taking a hammering. Security sweeps and police crackdowns are hitting a wide range of targets, not just dissidents but whole new classes of ordinary people, from street retailers to ethnic minorities, from beggars to patients-rights advocates.


Beijing prepares for ‘High-tech Olympics’

China will have spent five years and an estimated $400 million on IT planning and technology by the time the Olympics open on Aug. 8. One of the three themes of the Beijing Olympics is to make it a "High-tech Olympics." What will be the legacy of the Games' IT infrastructure for Beijing?



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