A curated selection of public diplomacy-relevant news from a global cross-section of English-language media outlets, including independent, corporate-owned, and state-sponsored sources. The stories featured don't necessarily represent CPD's views nor have they been verified by CPD.

Barack Obama and Soft Power

Soft power is the ability to obtain the outcomes one wants through attraction rather than using the carrots and sticks of payment or coercion. As I describe in my new book, The Powers to Lead, in individuals soft power rests on the skills of emotional intelligence, vision, and communication that Obama possesses in abundance.


Bush slams anti-US ‘propaganda’

US President George W Bush has denounced "misinformation and propaganda" which he says are sullying his country's image abroad. On a visit to Italy, he told young entrepreneurs on an exchange programme that going to the US would show them it was compassionate and open.


Send more U.S. students abroad

One crucial step the United States could take to improve its long-term understanding of and effectiveness in world affairs is to establish study abroad as an integral component of US undergraduate education. Legislation to address this need is languishing in the Senate. Its passage would provide the next president with an important tool for advancing US interests.


Role of Media in peace building and prevention of conflict

More than 900 Guests from 100 Countries participated in a conference in the German city of Bonn from June 2nd to 4th to discuss the role of the media in peace building and conflict prevention at the Deutsche Welle [DW] Global Media Forum.


General Petraeus and the ‘Information War’

I find the command of General Petraeus to be much more media savvy than his predecessors," said Michael Ware of CNN. "That's not to say that the military does not continue to obfuscate, blur the lines, and to ignore certain realities.


Silent movies at after-school club

Amid concerns that children's TV fails to portray the world beyond the UK and United States, a scheme has been launched to encourage youngsters to watch foreign and silent films. After-school club FILMCLUB will be introduced in 7,000 schools over the next three years.


Diplomat Koh Dreams of Creating Washington’s Mall in Singapore

"Many Singaporeans are not very knowledgeable about our neighbors, about their history, their heritage,'' said Koh in the June 2 interview at the Ministry of Foreign Affairs. "I want to project to the world that there is such a thing as a cultural Southeast Asia.''


Malaysia’s Culinary Diplomacy in New York

New York's international diplomatic community turned out recently at a colourful dinner where Malaysian delicacies were presented at the United Nations Delegates Dining Room (UNDDR). The dinner was a key event in the two-week Malaysia-Melaka food festival, that kicked off on May 12.



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