A curated selection of public diplomacy-relevant news from a global cross-section of English-language media outlets, including independent, corporate-owned, and state-sponsored sources. The stories featured don't necessarily represent CPD's views nor have they been verified by CPD.

Voice of America Launches Environmental Webcast

The Voice of America's (VOA) Worldwide English Division launches its environmental webcast, Going Green, today. Going Green is an informal and fun look at green technology and what people around the world are doing to promote a greener life.


Obama Would Win Big—in Europe

While the race between Barack Obama and Republican rival John McCain remains close among U.S. voters, Europeans have given their hearts to the likely Democratic nominee.


From the Daily: Fulbright fauxpas

The Fulbright Program may tout its international scholarship program as a "mainstay of America's public-diplomacy efforts," but the recent revocation of the program's aid from seven students living on the Gaza strip has featured less diplomacy and more disaster.


Quake could signal a social change in China

There is a chance that the outpouring of civic spirit in response to the disaster may not only reshape Chinese politics but also strengthen its economic foundations. The idea of social capital as a long-term driver of economic growth is well known to academics. Increased social cohesion may also be the main outcome of the Beijing Olympics. China is likely to be able to take collective pride in a well-run Games. From an economic point of view, analysts have expressed confidence that economic growth will not plunge after the capital spending splurge for the Olympics.


Satellite launched for Olympic TV broadcast

China launched a new communications satellite, Zhongxing-9, from the Xichang Satellite Launch Center in the southwestern Sichuan Province at 8:15 p.m. (Beijing Time) Monday. Audiences would be able to watch live broadcasts of Olympic events via the satellite. The quality and coverage of the country's television and broadcasting services were to be increased, and people in remote regions of China would receive clear television programs.


Not too late to repair SA’s battered image

As South Africa turns to the grim task of dealing with the aftermath of the xenophobic attacks, our leaders must be seized with how to repair the nation's battered image in the international community. President Mbeki's apology to our African brothers and sisters when the Nigerian President visited this week was a modest beginning...We practice smorgasbord diplomacy in which we pick and choose when we want to be moral and "do the right thing".


Feed to lead

The Times' editorial series on food diplomacy explores the possibility that the United States could improve its global image and enhance national security by launching "a high-profile food diplomacy initiative planned, funded and executed for the purpose of improving national security through humanitarian means."

Tags: united states, government pd, gastrodiplomacy, food aid

Food diplomacy works

The United States cannot lead if it is hated...The tragic global hunger crisis, which has swelled the ranks of the world's most miserable, provides the U.S. with a golden opportunity to do good while rebuilding its shattered global leadership credentials. We should seize the chance to win friends and confound our enemies by showing the world that the United States is the sole superpower when it comes to generosity.



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