CPD Staff and Fellows Offered Public Diplomacy Workshops in India

On December 10-11, Philip Seib, CPD Director, Nicholas Cull, CPD University Fellow and Director of the USC Master of Public Diplomacy Program and Eytan Gilboa, CPD Senior Scholar held workshops at the Public Diplomacy in the Information Age Conference & Workshops, hosted by CMS Academy, in New Delhi, India.

Navdeep Suri, Joint Secretary and Head of the Public Diplomacy division in New Delhi (CPD Summer Institute, Class of 2010), asked the three professors to speak on current issues related to public diplomacy. Seib discussed the “Al Jazeera Effect” and how new media can help advance national policy. Cull looked at nation branding, specifically the evolution of the concept, while Gilboa spoke about how to plan and evaluate public diplomacy strategies and programs.

The conference explored the role of public diplomacy in the information age, especially with regards to the changing communication and media landscape. It aimed to understand how current trends can be applied and maximized for India’s international relations strategy.

Press & Video Coverage

Video documentation of the proceedings of this conference and workshop are available on www.publicdiplomacy2010.in.

To read CPD Director, Philip Seib's blog about India's public diplomacy initiatives written post-conference, please click here.

Cull is cited in the article, "Brand India may win the day against China-Expert" in Newsofap.com

"Public Diplomacy - The Tasks Ahead", The Hindu

"Conference on Information Age in public diplomacy to highlight impact of 24×7 media" in B4Uindia.com.

"Indian Public Diplomacy keen to access “social media”, Thaindian.com

“Late response has become lost response’ in the Information Age”, PR-inside.com

For a transcript of remarks by Dr. Shashi Tharoor, please click here.

To watch Dr. Shashi Tharoor's speech, play the YouTube video featured below.

To watch news coverage of the Conference, play the YouTube video featured below.

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