Public Diplomacy And Virtual Worlds
Principal Investigators:
Joshua S. Fouts and Douglas Thomas
Project Staff:
Tori Horton and Shawna Kelly
Virtual worlds serve as global communication networks allowing individuals from around the world to connect and interact in a virtual society. With opportunities to create, foster and sustain intercultural dialogue through real-time interactions between people around the world, virtual worlds can be used effectively to help create better understanding between people of different cultures and nationalities. By exploring virtual worlds and engaging in virtual societies through the Virtual Worlds Project at USC's Center on Public Diplomacy, CPD discovered innovative ways to practice public diplomacy and increased awareness of these opportunities by encouraging and facilitating others’ participation in virtual space.
CPD has also extended its initiatives with the U.S. State Department in their effort to explore the possibilities present in 3-D virtual world platforms like Second Life for showcasing and hosting International Information Programs (IIP) products and services. IIP engages international audiences on issues of foreign policy, society and values to create an environment that can be receptive to U.S. national interests.
Public Diplomacy and Virtual Worlds Project
A virtual world is an online computer-generated 3-D audiovisual environment that provides anyone with internet access the opportunity to connect, interact and communicate with people around the world. Virtual worlds serve as global communication networks allowing individuals from around the world to connect and interact in a virtual society. With these opportunities to create, foster and sustain intercultural dialogue through real-time interactions between people around the world, virtual worlds can be used effectively to help create better understanding between people of different cultures and nationalities. By exploring virtual worlds and engaging in virtual societies through the Virtual Worlds Project, USC's Center on Public Diplomacy discovers innovative ways to practice public diplomacy and works to increase awareness of these opportunities by encouraging and facilitating others’ participation in virtual space, including hosting a game-making contest.
Humans have evolved from people separated by time and distance to a world connected by technology with freedom to interact and live together in virtual worlds that transcend national boundaries and ideologies. In order to explore some of the possibilities for public diplomacy in virtual worlds, researchers at USC’s Center on Public Diplomacy entered Second Life, a 3-D virtual world with 4,633,739 residents. In spring of 2006, the Center established a permanent presence in the virtual world when it purchased its own island in Second Life known as Annenberg Island. This presence, which has since increased with the purchase of 3 additional islands in February 2007, provides USC’s Center on Public Diplomacy multiple opportunities to directly engage, facilitate, and promote the intercultural dialogue and exchange that exists within Second Life.
Some of the Interesting Virtual Worlds: