The terrorist attack in Stockholm on Friday April 7, 2017 came as a shock, but by Monday the area around the Åhlens store where the attack took place was back to business as usual. Over the weekend and during the following...
Reshaping Rwanda's Image
In an attempt to distance the country from the horrors of its past, several young Rwandans are using their talents to help change the narrative.
One of these participants, Gloria Iribagiza, says this is important because, "When you go on Google search, if you're out of the country, it will suggest genocide. But here there's so much development happening...The youth are part of a whole generation of vibrant people who are telling stories in different ways."
Iribagiza uses her blog to discuss development issues, as well as to tell success stories of women and girls within the country. She and her colleagues—among them, a journalist, spoken word artist and a 3-D animator—are working to create a new Rwandan narrative that tells the stories of the people currently living there, rather than dwelling on the past.
The full video is available on the Voice of America website.
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