Having recently returned from the International Studies Association (ISA) conference in Toronto, I wanted to share some thoughts with the PD community, and particularly the scholars who for some reason or other couldn’t...
Apply for a 2019-20 CPD Dissertation Grant
As part of several CPD Research Opportunities, the USC Center on Public Diplomacy (CPD) is pleased to announce its Doctoral Dissertation Grant cycle for the 2019-20 academic year. This fall, CPD will select one doctoral student with a particularly promising dissertation topic in the area of public diplomacy. The $2,500 grant is intended to recognize and support the work of an emerging scholar who is advancing research on public diplomacy.
CPD supports work examining a broad range of public diplomacy topics from diverse geographical areas and perspectives, with special interest in topics related to CPD Research Initiatives. Awards will be announced in the fall and disbursed shortly thereafter.
Applications for the 2019-20 CPD Doctoral Dissertation Grant will be accepted through August 31, 2019.
Application Procedures
1. Applicants must fill out our online application form here.
2. Applicants to the CPD Doctoral Dissertation Grant must also submit the following electronically to soamiri@usc.edu with "Dissertation Award Application" in the subject line:
A curriculum vitae
A summary of the dissertation project, including timeline, not to exceed 6 pages
A dissertation abstract no longer than 250 words summarizing the topic and its relevance to public diplomacy
To learn more about the award and application process, click here.
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