
As part of its commitment to building the academic field of public diplomacy, CPD will award $2,500 to an emerging scholar engaged in cutting-edge research on public diplomacy.

As part of its commitment to building the academic field of public diplomacy, CPD will award $2,500 to an emerging scholar engaged in cutting-edge research on public diplomacy.

BeReal app in the Apple Store @yanishevska via

Diplomats and global businesses are slow at adopting social media accounts. BeReal, an app touting authenticity, can be the exception.

As part of its commitment to building the academic field of public diplomacy, CPD will award $2,500 to an emerging scholar engaged in cutting-edge research on public diplomacy.

As part of its commitment to building the academic field of public diplomacy, CPD will award $2,500 to an emerging scholar engaged in cutting-edge research on public diplomacy.

Applications are being accepted for USC’s Master of Public Diplomacy program (MPD) for Fall 2021!

October 15, 2019

CPD Faculty Fellow Jan Melissen and Michèle Bos of Leiden University's Institute of Security and Global Affairs share insight on public diplomacy efforts in the Sahel region of Africa.
